Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 274
________________ 224 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1876 with me when I heard this half-gdtha; and as I obtain an imperishable body. And yet you say, arose from my seat and saluted the four quarters, Who can trust you? I call Brahma, Sakra, and said, "Who is he that uttered this half-verse P" | the four kings, and all the Bodhisatwns, and Then, seeing no one except the Raksha, I said, all the Buddhas, to witness that I am ready thus "Who is he that opened this door of Salvation ? to give up my body for the sake of these eight who is he that is thus able to declare the words of words." "Listen then, listen then," said the all the Buddhas ? Who amongst the slumbering Raksha," if it be so, and I will repeat the other crowds that pass through life and death is the wake- half of the verse." Oh, what joy was mine as I fulone, leading the victims of life and death to the prostrated myself before the Raksha, and besought highest participation of Bodhi? Who is the master him to proceed! Then the Raksha added, of the vessel,--the good physician P Who has re "Birth and death, destroyed, Deated this half-gátha, as refreshing to my under (This) is the joy of Nirvana." standing as the waxing moon to the opening lily " The Raksha, having uttered this gútha, added, Seeing only the Raksha, I thought, "Could it "Oh! Bodhisatwa Mahasatwa, you now have be this Raksha who uttered this half-verse P" And heard the full meaning of this stanza; and now then I doubted, and said, "It cannot be so, for no before you give yourself up as a sacrifice to my such word can proceed from such a form. Is the body, you wish to benefit the world by proclaiming Jotus produced from the fire ? Freezing water the truth you have heard. Do so." Then, having comes not from the solar heat." And then I well considered the meaning of this gatha, I went thought again, "I am but a fool, perhaps this from place to place, and on every stone and wall, Raksha may have remembered from long ago this on every tree and road, I wrote this stanza. Then, half-Játha. I will ask him." And so, going up to carefully arranging my clothes, so that after death him, I said, "Where, O Great Snge, did you in my naked body should not be needlessly exposed, former days obtain the knowledge of this half- I ascended a high tree, purposing to fulfil my vow gotha, the half of this precious gem P for this verse and put an end to my life. Then the Tree Deva is in truth the true wisdom of all the Buddhas, asked me the following question," Venerable one, past, present, and to come." Then he answered what are you doing?” To whom I replied, "I am and said, "Great Brâhman, ask me not such a about to sacrifice my body in return for the knowquestion; and why, because for several days I have ledge of a gatha given me." "And what use is had no food. Everywhere have I sought it, but this knowledge P" added the Tree Deva. To in vain. Parched with thirst, my mind is con- which I replied, "This gatha contains the mysterifused, and I can answer nothing. There is no ous doctrine of all the Buddhas, past, present, and food for me in earth or heaven." Then I said, to come, compared with which there is nothing of "Raksha, do but finish this gatha, then for ever value in the world, and for the knowledge of which I will be thine, and my body thine. That which I now give up my life," &c. Then casting my. you just now uttered was only half-said, and had self down, such sounds came from mid-air and no meaning in it; only finish it, and I am thine ascended even to the Akanishta heaven ! Then for aye." Then the Raksha replied, "The utmost also the Raksha returned to his true form as Sakra knowledge you possess goes not beyond your pre- Devanam, and in a moment arrested the fall of the sent body; but the pangs of hunger which possess Bodhisatwa in the air, and placed him harmlessly me who can describe " Then I said, "What food on the ground. At this time Sakra and all the do you ent P” The Raksha said, "Ask me not, for Devay, with the Great Brahma, came and prothe answer is a fearful one!" But I said, "There strated themselves at the feet of this Bodhisatwa, are none to frighten here, and I have no fear of and in terms of commendation sang, "Well done! you ; speak out then !" The Raksha said, "That well done! Thou art a true Bôdhisatwa, able to which I eat is the hot flesh of men, and I drink benefit the world, deserving to hold the torch of only their warm blood. Everywhere have Il the Great Law in the midst of the darkness sought for this food in vain, for men now-a-days of the world! Oh, would that in future ages, are so good that the gods protect them, and I can when you attain the perfection of Buddha, you do nothing." Then I said, "Finish only this would think on me and acquit me of all my sins!" gatha, and my body is thine." The Raksha replied, &c. And so by the virtue of this gatha, for which I "What reliance can I place in thee? Who will gave up my life, I was able (by anticipation), to believe that for eight words you will be ready to pass over twelve Kalpas, and in the presence of give up your body P" To whom I replied, "Surely Maitreya to attain perfection as Buddha. you are a fool, for what is it? Would not a | Such merit attaches to the love of the true man gladly give another an earthen pot to obtain a Scriptures of the Great Vehicle.-Tribner's Record, gemlike vase? And so I, sacrificing this feeble body, Jan. 1873.


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