Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 267
________________ July, 1876.] TRANSLATION FROM THE RÂMÁYANA OF TULSI DÅS. 217 Chaираі. “When Krishna becomes incarnate in the family of Jadu to relieve the world of its burdens, your husband shall be born again as his son (Pradyumna): this my word shall not fail." On hearing this prophecy of Sankara's, Ratî retired. Inow tarn to another part of my story. When Brahma and the other gods heard these tidings they first went to Vaikuntha, and thence, with Vishņu, Brahmi, and all the rest, into the presence of the merciful Siva, and each of them separately sang his praises. Then the gracious power whose crest is the moon and whose standard a bull said, “Tell me, ye immortals, why ye have come." Said Brahma, "My lord, you can read our hearts, but as ordered I speak. Doha 97. "In the mind of all the gods is one idea. Sau. kara is love-smitten, and we would fain with our own eyes see his marriage. Claupai. "O destroyer of the pride of love, let us feast our eyes on this glad event. In granting a hus. band to Ratî after Kamadeva had been consumed you have done well, O sea of compassion, in punishment remembering mercy; the great have ever an easy temper. Accept now the in- terminable penance that Parvatî hus endured." On hearing Brahmi's speech and perceiving its purport, he exclaimed joyfully, “So be it !" Then the gods sounded their kettledrums, and rained down flowers, and cried " Victory, victory to the King of Heaven!" Then, perceiving it was the proper time, the seven sages came and were despatched by Brahma to the Himalaya, where first they sought Bhavâni, and addressed her in mild but deceptive terms: Dohá 98. “You would not listen to us, but rather took Narada's advice; now again is your vow proved vain, for the god of love has been consumed by Mahadeva." Chaupai. Bhavani replied with a smile, “ O wisest of sages, you have said well. Your words 'Love has been consumed by Mahadeva' imply a belief that aforetime Sambhu was liable to change. But I know him to be from everlasting an ascetic, faultless, loveless, passionless : and if, knowing him to be such as he is, I have served him devotedly in heart, word, and deed, so gracious a lord (be assured, 0 sages) will bring my vow to accomplishment. Your saying that Hara has destroyed Love betrays great want of judgment. Fire, ny friend, has an unalterable nature, and ice cannot exist near it ; if brought near, it must inevitably perish; and so must Love in the presence of Mahadeva." Dold 99. On hearing this speech and seeing her love and confidence, the sages were delighted and bowed the head before her, and went to king Himachal, Champai. And told him the whole history. When he heard of Love's destruction he was much distressed, but was again comforted when told of Rati's promised husband. After pondering on the majesty of Sambhu he reverently summoned the wise men, and at once had the day fixed according to Vedic prescription, selecting au auspicious date, and planet, and hour. Then he gave the letter to the seven sages, humbly falling at their feet, and they took it to Brahma, who could not contain himself for joy on rending it, but at onco proclaimed it aloul. The whole company of heaven was delighted: thero was music and a shower of flowers, and in every quarter festive preparations were commenced. Dola 100. All the gods began adorning the different vehicles on which they ride abroad; the Muses sang for joy, and all was bliss and happiness. Chaupai. Siva's attendants began to dress their lord, arranging his serpent-crest and crown of matted locks; with snakes for his earrings and bracelets of snakes for his wrists; his body smcared with ashes, and a lion's skin about his loins; the moon on his brow, the lovely Ganges on the crown of his head, his eyes three in number, and a serpent for his Brahmanical cord; his throat black with poison, a wreath of dead men's skulls about his breast : in such ghastly attire was arrayed the great god Siva. With trident in hand he advanced riding on a bull, while tho drums beat and instruments of music were played. The female divinities all smiled to see him, • The line thus translated stands in the original Asi Man. matha Mahela ko ndi. There is an entirely different read ing in some copies, jimi Sampáti mij pachchh ganrodi, "like Sampati who lost his wings;" Sampati being the brother of JatAyu who gave Hanuman information of Råvana's rape of Sita.


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