JULY, 1876.]
perform praņáma to Matangeśvara. 13. Dhar- consist of the following articles :-a cow, a call, máranya. Here they offer pindas in the Chup- a cloth, a vessel for holding milk, a silver hoof, kúpa, and do homage to Dharma and Dhar- a golden born, a tail made of pearls and copper, meśvara Mahadeva. 14. Bodha-taru at Bodha- and gold. Gayà. Here they do homage to the Bodh-tree. The above sacred places are the most famous,
FIFTH DAY. 15. Brahnia-saras. Here, after but there are others where the pilgrims perbathing, tarpana, and pinda-dána, they sprinkle form ceremonies, such as-1. Visála, 2. Lelihána, water over a mango-tree, go round the Brahm- 3. Bharatásrama, 4. Akásagangů, 5. Devanadi, kúpa, and make pranáma to Brahma. 16. Ka- 6. Yamund, &c., to the number of about twentykubali. Here they offer three pindas. (N.B. two. There seems to be here a repetition of No. 4.) With regard to the gráddhas I myself wit.
Sixth Day.-On this day they present pindas nessed at Gayà, they were all performed in at the following stations, near the Vishnu- colonnades and open courts round the Vishnu. pada temple:-17. Rudrapada. 18. Vishnupada. pada temple. One example will suffice. The Here there is adoration, as well as pinda-dána. party celebrating the rite consisted of six men, 19. Brahmapada. Only pinda-dána here and wbo were of course relations, and one Gaywal. at the following stations, where footprints, or The men sat on their heels in a line, with the marks like them, are supposed to be found officiating Gaywal (sometimes called Panda)
20. Garhapatyapada. 21. Ahawaniyapada. 22. priest at their head. Twelve pindas were form. • Sabhyapada. 23. Avasathyapada. 24. Dakshin- ed of rice and milk, not much larger than the ágnipada (only one pinda). 25. Indrapadu.
large marbles used by boys (called 'alleys'). 26. Súryapada. 27. Kárttikeyapada. 28. Agas- They were placed with sprigs of the sacred tulsi. tyapada. 29. Kraunchapada. 30. Ganesapada. plant in small earthenware platters. Then on 31. Chandrapada. 32. Matangapada. 33. Kar- the top of the pind as were scattered kusa grass napada. 34. Dadhichapada. 35. Kasyapapada. 36. and flowers. I was told that the pindas in the Gaya-sira. (Here two pindas are offered.) present case were typical of the bodies of the SEVENTH DAY.-37. Rama-Gaya (pinda
twelve ancestors for whom the graddha was cele dána). 38. Sitakunda (three pindas made of brated. The men had kusa grass twisted round sand). 39. Guyakapa. One pinda and often their fingers, in token of their hands being perthree pindas are presented at this and the fol- fectly pure for the due performance of the rite. lowing five stations :-40. Munda-prishtha. Next, water was poured into the palms of their 41. Kraunchapada or Adi-Gaya. 42. Dhauta- hands,partof which they sprinkled on the ground, pada. 43. Bhima-garta or Bhima-gaya. 44. and part on the pindas. One or two of the men Goprachára. 45. Gadu-lola. Here they bathe, then took threads off their clothes and laid them perform tarpam and pindadána. 45. Akshaya- on the pindas, which act is alleged to be emvata. Here, after the regular gráddha, par- blematical of presenting the bodies of their de. ticular gifts are presented, which strictly ought parted ancestors with garments. Meanwhile to consist of the following articles :-gold, sil. mantras, or Vedic texts, were repeated, under ver, copper, brass, a cow, an elephant, a horse, the direction of the Gaywal, and the hands were a house, land, a bullock, cloth, a bed, an um- sometimes extended over the pindas as if to inbrella, shoes, money, grain. Here also they voke blessings. When all the mantras were feed the Gay wals and do homage to the Bar- finished, and one or two added to pray for partree and to Mahadeva and Mahadevi.
don if any minute point in the ritual had been EGETH DAY.-47. Gayatri-tartha. Here in omitted the whole rite was concluded by the men the early morning they bathe, perform prátah- putting their heads to the ground before the sandhyá, or morning devotions, with tarpam and officiating Brâhman and touching his feet. Of pinda-dána. 48. Sávitri. Here they perform course the number of pindas varies with the mádhyandina-sandhya, midday devotions, with number of ancestors for whom the sraddhas tarpaņa. 49. Sarasvati. Here they perform are celebrated, and the size of the balls and the evening sandhya. 50. Vuitarani. Here, after materials of which they are composed differ acbathing and tarpana, they present gifts, tech- cording to the caste and the country of those nically called godána, which ought properly to who perform the rite. I saw one party in the