Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 244
________________ 198 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1876. About the name of its author I am not certain ; at the end of the first chapter we read इति श्रीवेलमीकन्यासूर्य नारायणावधानिविरचिते वेदतैजसव्यासशिक्षाविवरणे संज्ञाप्रकरणं समाप्तम्; but at the end of the whole work— गोकर्णाकृतिहस्ते तु निर्दिशेद्दक्षिणे स्वरम् । निवेश्य दृष्टि ( ? ) हस्ताग्रे शास्त्रार्थमनुचिन्तयन् । दक्षिणे गोकर्णा कृतिहस्ते हस्ताग्रे दृष्टि ( ? ) निवेश्य प्रातिशाख्यादिशास्त्रार्थमनुचिन्तयन्नङतेन स्वरं निर्दिशेत् || गु श्रीरातरंगिण (!) व्यासशिक्षाया भाष्यमुत्तमम् । वेलमीकन्यापूजतस्वरावधानिना कृतम् ॥ इति श्रीवेलमी कन्यास्वरावधानविरचिते व्यासशिक्षा विवरण उच्चारणप्रकरणं संपूर्णम् ॥ पुरुषो हि व्रजेनारीं न नारी पुरुषं व्रजेत् । याङ्गुलीषु सर्वासु नयेदष्टमेव तु (2) सदृतः ॥ शिरःकम्पं विहायैव स्वरन्यासो विधीयते ।। स्पष्टम् । किंच The commentator quotes, besides other works, the Kálanirnaya-śiksha, Aranya-siksha, Lakshmi कनिष्ठानामिकामध्यात जैनीमभ्यपर्वसु । beduta-dibold, the Boxibidioald and streya sikonld. The text and commentary Sill in my | नीचस्वारधृतोदात्तानष्ठायेण निर्दिशेत् ।। MS. no less than 258 pages with 8 lines on each कनिष्ठानामिकामध्यात्तम्यङ्गुलीनां मध्यपश्खेवानुदान्तस्वरित page, each line containing about 35 aksharas. मध्यमादुलमध्यं स्थास्वरस्थानं विधीयते ॥ SACHCHAYA contains about | प्रचयेोदात्तान्क्रमेणाङ्गुष्ठाग्रेण विनिर्दिशेत् । पक्षान्तरमाह 300 Ślokas, which are divided into 24 chapters |तर्जन्यादि कनिष्ठादि तथैवानामिकान्त्यकम् | with the following titles:-Svarabhaktiprakaraṇa, Dvivaahithya-p, Prayatna-p. Nakira- Naki rânta-p., Anusvâra-p., Anunâsika-p., Mâtrâkâlap., Ekaśruti-p, Varnányatra-p., Kathaka-P.. Dvirakti-pApArva.p. Svamvishayap., Dviralti-p. (!), Yama-p., Krama p., Jata p., Ranga p., Kampa-p., Svarochcharana-p, Varnotpatti-p., Uchchârana-p., Anga-p.-The treatise cites, so far as I can see from my very incorrect MS., Atreya, Nárada, and Paráśara, and its author has freely used the Paniniya-siksha. 16. The SARVASAMMATA-SIKSHA gives in 134 slokas a very clear and intelligible résumé of what is generally taught in the Sikshas. It treats of the doubling of consonants, Svarabhakti, Vivritti, the Vedapithakadoshih the Mhari Ranga, of syllabication, of the accents, and especially the different Svaritas, of the denotation of the accents by means of the fingers, of Kampa, &c. It begins: कृपा वरदं देवं गजाननम् । द्वित्वादीनां प्रवक्ष्यामि लक्षणं सर्वमतम् ॥१॥ स्वराष्ट्रत्वमवामोति व्यजनं पब्जने परे । स्पर्शो लकारपूर्वी यो वपूर्वश्च द्विरुच्यते ||२|| and ends :-- ऋषिभिर्ब्रहुधा प्रोक्तं वेदविद्भिस्तथापि हि । तृभिः समस्तैस्तु हृहीतं तदीरितम् ॥ ११४|| The verses which describe the denotation of the accents by means of the fingers are as Sollows:-- , तर्जन्या आदिमं पर्वोदात्तस्य स्थानं कनिष्ठाया आदिमं पर्वानुदात्तस्थानमनामिकाया अन्त्यं पर्व स्वरितस्थानं मध्यमाङ्गुल्या मध्यमं पर्व च प्रचयस्थानमिति विधीयत इत्यर्थः ॥ The text of this Śiksha is in my MS. accompanied by an anonymous commentary which, besides other authorities, quotes a work by the same author entitled Siksha-chandrika. The commentary begins: ध्याला सर्वजगमाचं साम्बं सर्वार्थसाधकम् । व्याख्यायते ऽधुना शिक्षा सर्वसंमतलक्षणा || and it ends : सर्वसंमतशिक्षापि संप्रदायानुसारतः । वासुदेवप्रसादेन व्याख्याता लक्षणेन वै ॥ The text and commentary fill in my MS. 65 pages, each containing 8 lines with about 38 aksharas in each line. 17. The SIDDHANTA-SIKSHA I have mentioned already when speaking of the Bharadvāja-sikshd, and I have also stated the object for which it appears to have been com. posed. It belongs to the Trittiriya-veda, and is the work of Srinivasa-dikshita. In my own MS. the end of this treatise is wanting, but according to Dr. Burnell's description the whole consists of 74 slokas. The text of this Siksha is accompanied by an anonymous commentary, according to which the author of the original had studied the nine Sikshâs of


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