Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ July, 1876.7 REMARKS ON THE SIKSHÅS. 199 Bharadvaja, Vyasa, Panini (?), Sambhu, Kauhala, Vásishtha, Valmiki, Harita, and Baudhayana, besides the Taittiriya-prátisakhya with the Tribhashya-ratna and other works. The commentator on his part quotes the Bharadvodja and the Sarvasammita-siksha, the Vaishnaváblvidhanakosa, Gangesa, &c. The two first verses of this Siksha, together with the commentary on the second verse, are as follows: संप्रणम्य सकलैककारणं ब्रह्मरुद्रमुखमौलिभूषणम्। लक्षणं श्रुतिगिरां विलक्षणं श्रीनिवासमखिना प्रणीयते ॥१॥ पूर्वाशक्षाः परामर्य प्रातिशाख्यं च सर्वशः। सिद्धान्तशिक्षां वक्ष्यामि वेदभाष्यानुसारिणीम् ॥ २॥ भारद्वाजव्यासपारि (!) शंभुकौहलवासिष्ठवाल्मीकिहारीतवीधा. यनोक्तशिक्षानवकं परामर्थ्य तदनुक्तसंदिग्धपदानि पर्यालोच्य विभाज्यरववैदिकाभरणादिव्याख्यानपुरःसरतया कृत्स्नं प्रतिशाख्यं च परामृश्य वेदभाभ्यानुसारिणी भट्टभास्करीयादिशोधनजन्यतया विश्वसनीयाँ दुष्पाठपरित्यागे निष्कम्पप्रति (1) हेतुभूतां च सिद्धान्तशिक्षा वक्ष्या मे | सिद्धान्तशिक्षेयन्वर्थसSTT T r at TITUE 1a हकारे वा द्विर्भावो जायते क्वचिदित्यादिशिक्षावचनाना प्रानिशाख्यविरोधो ऽस्ति नेह तथेति भावः ।। The Sikshas or works on Siksha which are mentioned in the above, but copies of which I have not yet been able to procure, are 18. The Atreya-siksha. 19. The Anduvraji-silisha (). 20. The Kdlanirnaya-sikshd; this is probably the work quoted in the Tribhåshyaratna, XVIII. 1. 21. The Kauhala-silshá. 22. The Parusan-silshá. 23. The Daudhayana-siksha. 24. The Lakshmikánta-siksha. 25. The Válmáki-siksha. 26. The Sambla-siksha; I believe this to be the title of the so-called Rig-version of the Pániniya-sil-sla. 8 The lines quoted in the commentary on the Vyása-siksha from the Sambhuśiksha areमनः कायामिमाहन्ति स प्रेरयति मारुतम् । मारुतस्तूरसि चरन्मन्द्रं जनयति स्वरम् ।। § See the expression in v. 3 of the Rig-version of the Pån s., and compare with it expressions such as 27. The Siksha-chandrika. 28. The Harita-sikshi. Dr. Barnell (On the Aindra Grammar, p. 46) enumerates besides 29. The Kausiki Siksha. 30. The Gautami Sikshd. From the above short description of the Sikshå-treatises which I have collected, it will appear that the term Sikshả, or, as it is occasionally spelt in MSS. from the south of India, Siksha, is applicable to any work which treats of the classification and pronunciation of letters, and that in particular it denotes such works as profess to teach the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Vedic texts; lastly, the term Sikshâ has been applied, as it would seem to me, somewhat improperly, also to works composed for the purpose of keeping the Vedic texts free from incorrect readings. The 17 works described above may be classified thus : A. Works which teach the classification and pronunciation of letters without special reference to the Vedic texts :-The Apisali Siksha. B. 1. Works which profess to lay down all the rales to be observed in the pronnuciation and recitation of the Vedic texts, (a) Without, so far as I can judge, reference to any particular Veda :-The Cháriyaniya-, Paniniya-, Mandúki-, Yajnavalkya-, and Vásishtha (?)-Sikshấs. (6) With particular reference to the Taitti riya Veda :-The Vyásr-siksha. (c) With particular reference to the Sáma veda :--The Náradi and Lomasi Sikshas. (d) Profossedly compilations :-Sikshásamu chchaya and Sarvisammata-siksha. B. 2. Works which lay down particular rules to be observed in the pronunciation and recitation of Vedic texts : (a) Works teaching the peculiar pronuncia tion of certain letters only, as adopted by the followers of the Madhyandini Sukha of the Yajurveda:-The Amogh inindini (?). Kesava-, and Mallyandini Sikshas. (6) Works teaching the peculiar accentuation of Vedic passages in the Taittiriya Ára nyaka :--The Aranya-sikshd. C. Works composed with the object of keeping the Vedic texts free from wrong words :The Bharadvája- and Siddhanta-sikshús. i t H er HCT in the Mandaki Chardyaniya, and other Sikshas.


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