JULY, 1876.]
चत्वारिंशत्तु दशमे श्लोका वै परिकीर्तिताः ।। एकत्रैव तु संख्यातं श्लोकानां तु शतत्रयम् । चलारिंशदधिकं वो (!) शास्त्रं चारायणीयकम् ॥ अमत्सर इदं देयं मत्सरे न कदाचन । मत्सरे तु भवेदनं न्यूतं नीजमिदोघरे ॥ यह पठते नित्यं ययाध्यापयेद्विजम् । अस्वार्थ बुध्यते यो ने ब्रह्मलोकं स गच्छति ।। इति चारायणीयशिक्षायां दशमोऽध्यायः ॥
6. The NARADI SIKSHA has been described by Professor Haug, l. c. p. 57, and by Dr. Burnell, Catalogue of a Collection of Sanskrit MSS ., p. 42. It belongs to the literature of the Samaveda. It consists of two prapathakas, each of which is divided into 8 chapters. At the end of my MS. the number of Ślokas is stated to be 240, which will be found to be fairly correct when one counts the prose portions which occur in the 3rd chapter of the first prapâthaka in the way native writers do. The authorities quoted are :Narada, Kaáyapa, Tumburu, Somasarman, Va sishtha, and the old (?) Andavraji (Prachinau damji).
I do not think that there is anything to prove the existence of two different recensions of this Siksha. All that appears from Dr. Burnell's description of the work is that in his MS. the first chapter of the second prapathaka is omitted. The end of the first prapathaka shows that the second prapathaka must commence with the verse with which Prof. Haug's and my own MS. make it commence, and which my MS. gives correctly thus :
सयकारं सवं वापि अक्षरं स्वरितं भवेत् ।
न चोदात्तं पुरस्तस्य जात्य: स्वारः स उच्यते ।।
I have not been able yet to procure a copy of
Sobhákara's Náradiyasiksha-vivarana, although several MSS. of it seem to be in existence. That it cannot be a very modern work would appear from the fact that a Náradiyasikshavivaranatild is quoted already in the Bharatabhashya (p. 16b of my MS.).
7. The PANINIYA-SIKSHA has been edited by Professor Weber. I have procured a very modern and worthless anonymous commentary of the so called Yajus version of this Sik. sha, entitled Siksha-panjika, which commences
thus :—
पातु वो निकषमावा मतिहेन : सरस्वती । प्राज्ञेतरपरिच्छेदं वचसैव करोति या ॥ १ ॥ छन्दःकल्पनिरुक्तानि विवृतानीह सूरिभि । शिक्षा त्वविवृता यस्मात्तस्मात्तां विवृणोम्यहम् ॥ २ ॥
Verses and 15-22 the author has left unexplained; the authorities he quotes are :--Anudavraji (to judge from the quotations, author of a Sikshá), Nárada (the Naradi Siksha), Pánini, a Pratisákhya, the Bhashyakara ( Patanjali ), Manu, a Vishnupuránasthasahasranamabháshya. Vyása, the Sabdakaustubha, the Sabdendusekhara, Saunaka, Sridhara, and Suyajna.
8. The BHARADVAJA-SIKSHA, which belongs to the Taittiriya-veda, differs altogether from the Sikshâs described above. It has nothing whatever to do with the classification and pronunciation of the letters, nor with the manner of reciting or accentuating the Vedic texts, but, like the Siddhānta-siksha, it lays down empi rical rules by which to distinguish, and to employ in their proper places, words of similar sound or form. It teaches, e.g, where to read बृजन
and where वुजिन, where सुष्टुत and where सुष्टुति आहुत and आहुति, , परशु and पर्शु अकार्षम् and अकारिषम्, दधाति and दधति, त्रिष्टुक् and त्रिष्टुप् ददाति and दधाति सौम्य and सौर्य, &c. The object of this, as well as of the Siddhanta-siksha, apr pears to be no other than to keep the text of the Taittiriya-samhita free from wrong readWings.
The number of slokas contained in this Siksha is stated in my MS. to be 133; the text is accompanied by an anonymous commentary which together with the text fills 152 pages. each containing 8 lines of about 38 aksharas. My MS. begins:
ओं गणेशं प्रणिपत्याहं संदेहानां निवृत्तये |
शिक्षामनुपश्यामि वेदानां मूलकारणम् ॥
श्री गणाधिपतिमानम्य वेदानां ग्रन्थलयसहितानामादिकारणम् एषु पदेषु संदेहावर्तन्ते तेषा संदेहानां निवारणाय शिक्षां प्रवक्ष्यामीति भारद्वाज मुनिना प्रणीतम् ॥
बृजने [MS. बजने] ज उदात्त भेदकारेण सहोच्यते [MS. सहाच्यते ] |
एतदारभ्य अस्वरसहितानि पदानि क्रमेण कथ्यन्ते । वृजनशब्दे [MS. व्रजन० ]जकार उदात्तश्चेत्स जकारो ऽकारसहितो भवति । यथा । बृजन [MS. वृजिनं] दोहसे ।...जकार उदात इति किम् । वृजिनमनृतं दुखरितम्......।