Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 62
________________ 48 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY 1876. (50] ಮತ್ತಮಾ ಜಿಡು ದ್ದು ಆಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಿದು ಬಾಡು " ಸಿರುವೋವೋ)ಗಲಮಂ ಸರ್ವನಮ[61]ತ್ಯ(Rus) si 88291dead) 303 30?jgbaa s .......... Translation. enjoyed his mistress, which was the earth. Reverence to Siva! Reverence to Sambhu, That same earth, which formerly was made by who is made beautiful by a chowri which is the the foolish Prithu , to be for a very long time moon that lightly rests upon his lofty head, and in the condition of a cow, now for a long who is the foundation-pillar for the erection of time disports itself in the function of the royal the city of the three worlds! Reverence to consort of Bijja na dova; o lord !, O best Sambhu, who is composed of eternal and in. of kings !, O mighty lord !, being possessed of finite knowledge and power, and who undertakes the right to be praised, it shines upon the the support of religion which is fruitful through ocean, which has the shore abovo its water, the exercise of mental determination! Rever- just as the jewel Kaustubha shines on the chest ence to the royal spiritual preceptor! of Vishnu. Hail! The glorious Tribhuvanamal. To describe the prowess of the beloved son of la-Bijja nad ê va t, -who was a universal the supreme king of kings who has thus been emperor by reason of the strength of his arm, mentioned :-While the darkness which was And who possessed the appropriate titles com- the hostile kings was fleeing away, and tho mencing with "The asylum of the universe; blue lotuses (which were his friends) were the favourite of the world; the supreme king blooming luxuriantly, and the white lotuses of great kings; the sapreme lord; the most which were the faces of the lovely women of venerable; the supreme lord of the city of his egemies were fading,-a king - who was Kalajarapura, which is the best of cities; to be called Sôma , because he was the lord he who has the banner of the golden boar; he of splendour as the moon is the lord of the who has (to proclaim him abroad) the sounds constellations, and because he was made brilof the musical instrument called Damaruka; he liant by his accomplishments just as the moon who is as the sun to the white lotus which is is made radiant by its digits, and because ho the Kala churya family; he who is impetu- was the lord of the moonlight which was his ons in war; he who is a very golden mountain fame that became ever greater and greater - in respect of his haughtiness; he who is the best was born from the ocean which was king of good warriors; he who is a very elephant-goad Bijjaņa. to bravo men; Gajasiimanta $; he who is a very The younger brother of Sovid éva, the cage of thunderbolts to (protect) those who greatext of kings, who, having thus been born, come to him for refage; ho who is a very lord governed the whole earth under one umbrella, of Laika in respect of his prowess; he wbo be- reigned :-Immediately after him, ---Sa i ka mhaves like a brother to the wives of other men; mad & va tt, who was like to the son 11 of the he who attains the accomplishment of his ob- river in respect of his truth and his purity and jects (even) on a Saturday ll; he who is the his religious vows, and who was a second conqueror of hill-forts; he who is like Rama in Purukutsa $$, governed the earth, causing joy the fierce contest; he who is a lion to the to the world. Having been selected as his elephants which are his foes; ho who is a hero emissaries, the elephants of G aula, the horses free from any apprehension,"-day after day of Turushka III, the pearls of the excellent • The rest of this line, about nine letters, is illegible in the photograph. It is not clear in the photograph whether this is the last line of the original or not. + Saka 1078 to 1087,-Sir W. Elliot. I Meru, the central point of Jam bud vipa, with the loftiness of which the pride of Bijjana deva is compared. $ The explanation of this title is not apparent; but perhaps it is analogous to 'Gajapati', s title of another dynasty of kings The planet Sani, Saturn, and consequently his day, Saturday, is looked upon as very inauspicious for success in undertakings. An ancient king, in whoso time all the mountains, using Himalaya as a calf to induce the flow of milk and Méra the milkman, milked forth from the earth, 8.3 from a cow, all manner of precious things and medicinal herbs. ** Saka 1087 to 1008, Sir W. Ellict. + Saka 1009 to 1104,- Sir W. Elliot. The name is tisualiy spelt Sankama; the 'n' is doubled here for the sake of the metre. II Karttiké ya, the god of war, the son of the Amara. gogor heavenly Ganges. He was generated from tho seed of Siva, which was received by the Ganges when the Fire was unable to retain it. SS A king of old times, the son of Mendhte Turushka',-- Turk or Musalman.


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