Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 75
________________ FEBRUARY, 1876.] COPPER-PLATE GRANT FROM KAPALESVARA. मही मण्डलं । यस्साधारणनाम्नि मन्त्रितिलके विन्यस्य सर्वागमं योग्योदयति वी व्रतेजसि धुरं राष्ट्रस्य विमोत्तमे । नानाख्यानकवीश्वरामृतरसास्वादादमर्त्यस्फुरत् सन्तोषात् सुखमन्वभूदविरतं पृथ्वीशचूडामणिः । \\ ज्ञाता शेषार्थ लामखण्डितारातिमत्तमातङ्कविमुमुक्ताफलमसाधिताशेषवले Plate III. * वा शास्त्रस्मृतिविमलधिया वेदनेदा विद्याशिक्षाकन्येतिहासमट ११ सुरस माप्तभूयिष्ठधाम्ना | नाम्ना साधारणेन द्विजवरविधिना मन्त्रिणा यस्य राज्ये निष्ठागम्भीरमूर्तिस्त्रि जगति विदितो धर्मकन्दर्पदेव I परममाहेश्वर परमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराज परमेश्वर सोमकुलतिलक परमेश्वर सोमकुलतिलक त्रिकलिङ्गाश्र महाभवदेव पादपद्ममवर्द्धमानविजयराज्ये 1 एकत्रिंशत्तमे साम्वत्स रे मार्गसुदितिथी त्रयोदश्यां यणाङ्केनापि सम्मत् १४ मार्गसुदि ३ लिखितमिदं त्रिफलास्वशासनं महासान्धिविग्र दी राणक श्रीमलदत्तमतिबद्ध कायस्थ श्रीमान इयवर्णाङ्कितं स्वनेति ॥ प्रणीतं कोशलेन्द्रेण प्रतिबोध्यमहत्तम । श्रीदत्तपुण्डरीका क्ष शासनं तानिति । मिमितं माधवेन वा सुटं तेनेति ॥ ताम्रनिणितं तत्रिम्मितं Translation. May it be propitious! Mahârájâdhiraja Sri Mahabhava Gupta Deva, the beneficent. He who is a devout adorer of Maheśvara, the great Bhattaraka, the Supreme lord, the preeminent among the Lunar race, the ruler of Trikalinga, the meditator on the feet of the great Bhattaraka and the lord Mahârâjâdhiraja Sri Siva Gupta Deva, makes it known to all the inhabitants around His Majesty, from the glorious and victorious Kataka, after worshipping the Brahmans invited (and) congregated, who are duly invested with the sacred thread, and living at the time in the district of Yo dha: Be itknown to youall, (namely) the appointed ministers, the Dánda Prásikas ( literally the men armed with clubs and bearded arrows), the dramatic performers, the bards, the spies, the law-makers, the chief of the guard of the seraglio, the beloved men and women of his Majesty, (that) the villages of Dáranda and In the original, 'Kavi' is written with a Hrasva-ikar, and the dental s is used; both are evidently mistakes committed by the engraver. The rules of Sandhi, Versi fication, and Orthography point out that the Hrasva-ikar ought to be Dirgha-ikar, and the s must be palatal instead of dental. §§ There is omission of T in the original. TT The is omitted in the original by a mistake. 57 Khalan dala, in the district of Yodha and province of Kosala, with its treasure-troves, sealed or enclosed deposits of valuables, with absolution of a hundred sorts of transgressions (committed in it), and all let and hindrances removed with its sovereign authority, given over all, with its hidden utensils and vessels, with its hollows, wastes, waters, and land bounded on four sides, in which entry is prevented to dramatic performers and bards, (is given) to Bhatta Sri Mahottama Sadhârana, the son of Bhatta Śri Sobhana, who came from Tamkâri and settled in the (village of) Urvarâ in the (province) of Kosala, who is of the Bharadvaja gotra (clan) and Várhaspatya Angirasa pravara (family), and a reader of the Vajasena Sakha (of the Vedas), (this gift is made) by pouring water and by insoribing it in this copper plate for augmentation of the merit and fame of my father and mother' and self, that he will enjoy it so long as the sun, moon, and stars shine; In the original ; (Visarga) occurs instead of the Halants mark after क. + It is curious that this Hindi form of the Sanskrit 'Suddha,' or bright half of the moon, occurs in all the plates. It is a noticeable fact that the Sandhi,' Vigrahi,' or Minister of War and Peace, and the Secretary, were always Kayasthas, or men of the writer-caste. This not only occurs in the Kataks plates, but in grants or inscrip. tions found in Ceylon and Central India.


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