Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 178
________________ 148 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. यस्याघाटनानि पूर्वतो वटपद्रकं दक्षिणतो उतरने महाउनामा यामः । एवं पानी सभूतवातप्रत्ययस्तदण्डदशापराधः सोत्पद्यमानविष्टिकः समस्तराज की यानामहस्तप्रक्षेपणीयो 3 जद्राणग्रामस्तथा पश्चिमतः - [7] सधान्यहिरण्यायो 8 भूमिच्छिद्रान्यायेनाचन्द्र कर्णवक्षितिसरिनखापद्मवादरहितोऽभ्यन्तरसाशकालातीतसंवत्सर] [] शा महावैशाख्यां नर्मदासरिति स्नात्वोदकातिसर्गेण प्रतिपादितः । यतोस्योचित - 9 या देवदायस्थित्या भुंजतो भोजयतः कार्षयतः प्रतिदिशतो वा न कैश्चित्परिपन्थना कार्य्या । तसामान्य भूमिदानफलमवेत्य विद्युल्लोलान्यनेत्यश्वय्र्याणि नृणत्र चाशत्समधिकेषु 30 यागामिनृपतिमिरम्म 1 परिपालयि थूर्णविनामा ग्रामो .... मनकालीपरचा 4 [पर] कर [न] [] च जीवितमकलय्य स्वदायनिविशेषोयमस्मदायो नुमन्तव्यः 18 तव्यक्ष 1 यश्चाज्ञानदाटलावृतमतिराच्छिन्द्यादाच्छिद्यमानं वानुमोदते स पञ्चभिर्महापा[त ] 15 कैरुपपा [त] कैश्च संयुक्तः स्यादिति । उक्तं च । भगवता वेदव्यासेन व्यासेन व्यासेन ष14 ष्टिर्षसहस्रा आणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः । आच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वशेत । विन्ध्या15 टवीष्वतोयासु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः । कृष्णाहयो हि जायन्ते भूमिदायापहारिणः ॥ अग्नेरपत्यं प्र 15 थमं सुवर्ण भूर्वैष्णवी सूर्य्यसुताश्च गावः । लोकलयं तेन भवोद्धे दत्तं यः काञ्चनं गाञ्च महीञ्च दद्यात् । 17 बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिर्व्यस्ययस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्यतस्य तदा फलं || यानीह दत्तानि पुरा 18 नरेन्द्रैर्द्दनानि धर्म्मार्थयशस्कराणि निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीत । स्व [दं] [19] तो परदत्त वा यत्नाद्रक्ष नराधिप । महीं महीभृतां श्रेष्ठ दानाच्छ्रेयोनुपालनं ॥ इति कमलदलाम्बुविन्दु20 लोलां श्रियमनुचिन्त्य मनुष्यजीवितं च । अतिविमलमनोभिरात्मनीनैर्नहि पुरुषः परकीर्त्तयो विलोप्याः 21 स्वहस्तोयं श्रीगोविन्दराजस्य लिखितं चैतन्मया श्रीगोविन्दराजस्यादेशान्म कृ 25 श्रीमदरलोकिता श्रीवगेरे तो मही[] इति ॥ Translation. 1. May he protect you, the lotus on whose navel is the dwelling-place of Brahma and Hara, whose forehead is adorned by the lovely moon-sickle !* 2. There was a prince, called Govindaraja, a royal lion among kings, whose fame pervaded the universe, and who, (of) pure (splendour), at the head of his trained army dispelled his enemies in battle just as the moon, the leader of the host of rising (stars), dispels the darkness at night.f 3. When he saw an army flashing with gallant warriors coming to meet him, biting his T Line 3, first akshara uncertain,-may be or डू", or possibly या. L. 7, the restoration of सप्त is perfectly certain, as the Baroda grant, which was made by Govinda's father, is dated 734. L. 9 read कर्षयत प्रतिदिशत; L. 10 read "न्यनित्यै; L. 11 read त्रसन; माकलय्य: L. 12 read ज्ञानपटला; L. 13 dele the third व्यासेन; L. 14 read ि वर्ष; वसेत; L. 20 read पुरुषै: [MAY, 1876. The two gods intended are Vishnu and Siva. This stanza is found at the head of the Baroda and Såmangadh and Van Dindori inscriptions also. Pandit Kamalakânta appears to have misread it badly. + Regarding the meaning of udyata, 'rising' or 'risen,' compare Pet. Dict. s. v. 'yam' and 'ad.' The verse occurs lip and knitting his brow, clutching the sword, and planting courage in his clan and his own heart, he always raised forthwith the loud battle-cry-t 4. When his enemies heard his name pronounced in the fight, three things unseasonably at once slipped from them,-the sword from the hand, animation from the face, and pride from the heart. S 5. His son, the illustrious Karkaraja, whose resplendent glory was famed throughout the world, who stilled the pain of the distressed and supported the abode of Hari's steps, who resembled the king of heaven, and whose orders in the Sâmangadh inscription. Bal Gangadhar Sastri's reading, dhvastistinnayann, is nonsense, and not warranted by the facsimile, which, though not very clear, may be read, as I have done, dhvastårthayan. The latter word must be taken as a denominative from dhvastartha, 'annihilated,' or 'dispelled.' I am unable to say how Bal Gangadhar Sastri got the 'sun,' instead of the 'moon' out of vidhu. I The verse is also the third of the Såmangadh inscription. Bal Gangadhar Såstri's readings, unnámitam and cha satvam, are, I think, preferable to ours. But the di in unniditam appeared to me quite clear. His translation of subhatáṭṭahasam is utterly mistaken. § The verse stands fourth on the Sâmangadh plate also. Bal Gangadhar Sastri's variants are owing to mistakes in deciphering, and his translation is faulty.


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