Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 180
________________ 150 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [May, 1876. of his enemies, and who, his head whitened by the thoughts did never come to him even in a dust of the vanguard, ever walked in battle with dream, much less in battle. sportive gait, since the heat of the sun's rays 27. When many other great kings Stamwas warded off by his white parasol. bha and the rest, allied together, were tearing 19. His younger brother was the illustrious from him by the strength of their arms the dig. Dhruvarâja, of great dignity and unchecked nity of king of kings and supreme lord, which prowess, who, conquering all kings, gradually he had received from his father, being consebecame (in fierce brilliancy) like unto the morn- crated with the water of) the coronation urns, ing sun. 28. Then, destroying them all together with 20. When that gem among good princes had crowds of kings, he fastened that (title) in a become the chief of the Rashtrakatas, the great battle, though it had become loosened by whole world called him the good lord, daily its the blows of Yama's sword, made Fortune stable spiritual preceptor. When that righteous lover and serviceable to his suffering gurus, to Brahof truth was ruling the earth from ocean to mans and virtuous men, to his friends and ocean, then people agreed that) in truth the relations, and forced her to hold his excellent, age of truth (had returned).* glittering chauri.t 21. Gladdening his relations, he daily gave, 29. But his brother, the illustrious Indrawhen pleased, all his wealth to the crowd of råja, equal to Indra in valour and of wondrous suppliants. When angered, the great hero fame, became ruler on earth, and sovereign of impetuously took the life-breath of Yama even.. the province of the ruler of L at a, which he re 22. Highest joy filled the hearts of men ceived from his elder brother). I when he righteously ruled the earth together 30. To him who conquered single-handed, with the four oceans. and was fond of deeds of hazard, his army 23. His son, the ornament of his race, was served merely as a mark of royalty. That proud Govindar ája, a liberal (prince), dear to (prince) did not bow to any of the immortals mankind, keeping fortitude as his only riches, even, excepting the first-born god, the lord of endowed with notorious valour, who harassed the whole world. S his enemies, and whose fame was celebrated far 31. His son was a prince) of great power, and wide by the virtuous. whose mind revelled in the pleasure of the 24. His second famous name was Prith- knowledge of the Sastras' meaning, and who vivalla bha. He, alone, made subject to him- carried openly the ancient auspicious appellation self the earth that is bounded by the four oceans. Sri Karka râja, together with other second 25. As the Universal soul, though one, ary namés. appears manifold to those who maintain the ex- 32. When a dispute about good government istence of individual souls, so did he, when by incidentally arose, it was formerly (the custom (the strength of his arm he crossed the bound- to cite) the kingdom of Bali as an instance Jess ocean of this foemen's host, appear multi- of a realm where prosperity affected all subjects form to his enemies in battle. Now (we give as an example) on earth (the 26. "Alone am I and lacking arrows, well kingdom) of this ruler. I armed and numerous are the foes"; such 33. At his death his servants felt towards him The phrase satyam satyam iti may be token in va. (a slip for taddatta) to tadatu. The translation is very rious ways, -either, as I have done, satyaris nissani yaris inaccurate. atya satyayugarh (puna) pravartata iti deshah) iti ja. This verse stands third on the Baroda plates, and is gata uktih or satyam idaner satyam (na twasatye satya. there applied to Govinda I. The first and secoud på. tramadhyaropyate) iti lok nám uktih, &c. The genera das have been badly read by the Pandit; the third shows sense remains the same. a valuable varia lectio, 'karikaramadhavaramifvarandin. + Sath stdat properly refers to the Brahmaps, friends, The deity intended is, of course, Siva. and relations, just as much as to the gurus. If the reading The last two padas of this verse occur in the 4th verge of the Baroda inscription, where, however, mul hyam faar were not quite clear, I should prefer to write arte, is substituted for parvam. Pandit Saradaprasada Chakraand to refer the adjective to the vanquished kings. vartti has utterly misunderstood them. He thinks that 1 This verse occurs as No. 21 on the Baroda plates. gaunamaparivdram means "all good qualities"! In Pandit Kamalakinta, the decipherer, has, however, wrongly the Baroda inscription the verse refers to Karkarája I. changed the tadattalafefvara mandalasya of the facsimile! This verse stands fifth in the Baroda inscriptiou,


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