Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 232
________________ 186 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1876. hands as if he were beating clothes, he Vîrase- dhipa & Virasena heard these words of the na it who was a lion to the elephant-like furious warriors and the assembled princes, he answered enemies, a lord of the gods, whose body was with the following words, which pleased all the purified on account of the cloth-washing, who good :-"I am under a vow. Without inquirlonged to conquer the world-births, $S was ing into my vow, from groundless wrath, you firm (sanátana), |||| consisted of essence (sára- | princes of the earth |||| oppose me to the ruin of bháta), I was completing all virtuous acts, was all.” To be sure he did not care for the inimifaithful to his vow, possessed great power, had cal behaviour of the kings with their elephants, the shad bainda va kriyá s, * was the horses, chariots and soldiers, for their inimical full-moon for the sea of the bhaktas," whose bebaviour on account of the vows of men members were strewn over ashes, to the under a vow and of mabâtmans," who may feet of whom Brahma and Vishņu used to make be compared to the wick of the lamps of knowobeisance, who was a Virà paksha, I incom- ledge. Daughter of the hill-king, devotedly prehensible and above the sciences, had mastered look at the pair of feet that destroys (even) all the Tantras, $ was consecrated through the victors and bears pure and worthy sandals of everlasting mantra (or mantras), had burned wood, (at the pair of feet) of themt who offer Cupid's weapons, used to say over his beads their bodies, of the glorious (prabhava), of (akshamálájapopetah),|| shone by the greatness the vratinswho belong to the very exof the mantra, possessed a body in which the cellent Virasai vas! I shall come with nine bhaktis had taken refuge (navabhaktisara- thee. nyángah), whose form was a new spectacle, who When the rulers of the earth heard the words had the lustre of a crown of honour, wore his of Virasena, who had made the vow of wash. sash after the fashion of a boxer, had rid himself ing the various garments of them whose mind of the eight kinds of pride, and possessed bow was rooted in the sensible works (viveka)** of and arrows in his hands. Gauri ! when the men, which the first one is the pind att and the last enraged at the frustration of their desire, saw one the sû nya, 11 (of them) who desired to overthe calm garu who stood above the guņas, they come the world by means of the beauty of their said to the ganadhipa : 1 "Hollo, washerman of self-lustre, $$ of the great,|||| of the guņins the Bhůrudrae !** Thou standest on the head of and of the best of the gurus, o Gauri, they the worthy people !tt Thou bearest a sarapyaka blazing up like streams of ghee which fall on janma that is highly praised by the world! flaming tongues of fire, with their bows, arrows, The furious eleph: ats, warriors on chariots, shields and swords, began to beat the ganahorses and foot-soldiers that appear in the front, dhipat with their fists and hands. As soon we shall cause to disappear (lina)11 in thy body as the chief of the washerment observed that, within a moment, certainly !" When the gana- he began joyfully to fight as if Kamahara's son 11 C.: Viragona, the father of Kalideva (i.e. # C.: (Allama) Prabhu, Siddharama (both of whom hero-king). This Kalideva, like the above-mentioned are cotemporaries of Basava) and other jangama. Macha, belongs to the old gana-list at the head of which t C. : the M&heśvaras. Basa va of Kalyana stands. Sabdamani Totadeva's list, i C.: Their bodies, minds, and riches, on account of verse 59. 8$ C.: the bha vins. Schira. U C. had sthira buddhi. $ 0.: the viraktas, áradhyas, atitis, and ghanalingsa. i o.: the bhaktas, mahesvaras, prasidins, prinalitigine, TI C.: possessed the samedrapanchamahâbhůtas. saražus, and aikyas (i.e. persons wuo belong to the six * C.: was united with the arpanas of sadyojata, viima sthalas). deva, ghora, tatpurusha, isina, and gopya, that are united 10to the Liñgadhranasamaya, and stand highest with the six faktis which are called parachits, e.g. kriyechchhijnina. among the thirty Saivas. C.: Lingavantas. ** C. : sila. 10. : was a person by whom the objects (of the world) tt C. : pindasthala (adding again the expletory sthala) had been dismissed. II C. jngaaśúc ya sthala. The pindadisunyanta sthala for the 101 sthalas of the Lingaytas; see, e.g. Viveka. $ 0.: whose achåra was the sivasaktikum Aragurusishy. gamavidhana. chintamani, 2nd prakarana. 85 C.: which is their ach&ra. C.: who performed japaly means of the rudrakshaatring. TC.: Ligavanta. Nii .: mahanta like Ghattival, Mudda, and, ** C.: Liigavantas. others. Ghattiva a occurs, v. 56, in the Basava gana C.: Langavantas. list mentioned above. HI C.: baya l (Kannada). TT C. : those who have añgagunas and liigagunas. $$ C.: pramathanayaka. • C.: of the Aradhyas. TRO. you kings of the jinama ta near the Panda + C.: Lingavanta. V&a at Ratnamålépura. 1 0.: who was the father of the above-mentioned) Ks. 110. : e.g. Bagava and (his nephew) Ohann Ba lidea, and the grandfather of the above mentioned) 8 av &. Micha


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