Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 227
________________ JUNE, 1876.] TWO INSCRIPTIONS FROM JHALRÅPÅTHAN. 181 The most interesting point about the inserip- | दग्धोप्येष विशेषविग्रहरूचिजात x कथं यन्मथः।। [५] 1 tion is the character of the letters. On the भासीत्कृतज्ञस्थिरवागनायासितवान्धवः। whole they show the Gupta type. But the देवनामान्ययायेषु चित्तस्यादृष्टविक्रयः ।। [६] || mason has mostly taken out the kanas, i.e. the तस्यावरजः प्रवृद्धकोशक्षिविपद्यूतसभा-तिर्वदान्यः । vertical strokes for the long d, and placed them विदुषामपि वोप्पकाभिधानः स्वगुणेः प्रीतिमुपादधात्यजिव्हः|| [] above the letters after which they are to be तेनेदंमकार चन्द्रमौलेभवनं जन्ममृतिग्रहाणहेतोः । read, converting each, in compliment to Siva, into a diminutive trident. The medial i is also प्रसमीक्ष्य जरावियोगदुःखपतति देहभृतामनुप्रसक्ताम् ।।[८]||| highly ornamented. The form of the jihvámú धर्म एव सखाव्यभिचारी रक्ष कृतिनस्खलितेषु । liya which occurs in lines 6 and 7 also deserves प्रायणेप्यनुगति विदधाति प्रर्य यन्ति सुखहदः किमुतार्धा।। [९] attention, we it consists simply of a loop above काले प्रकाममकरन्दसमीतिमत्तthe ka, and exactly resembles the sign still used नान्तद्विरेफकुलकेलिदिरावरम्ये । in the Kasmirian Sârada alphabet. हृष्टान्यपुष्टमधुरातिकलप्रलापे ____The inscription No. II. is, unfortunately, in शम्भोनिविष्टमिदमल्पपक्ष्म धाम | [१०] too bad a condition to be translated or to be संवत्सरशतेषु सप्तसु षट्चत्वारिंशदधिकेषु [] read entirely. प्रणहितसायतनमिदं समग्रलोकेश्वरोधिपते ॥२१] Transliteration of No. 1. रम्यैर्जुनप्रतीतैरानुगतै रकडूशेशशब्दै [:।] ओं नमः शिवाय It रचितेयमनभिमानात्प्रशस्तिरपि भदृश_गुप्तेन ॥ [१२॥] रोषकोधप्रवृद्धवलदनलशिखाकतदिकुकुवालं अच्युतस्य सुतेनेव सुत्रधारेन धीमता। तेजोभिर्वादशार्कप्रति ..................राविराथु। उत्की--मणेनेह पूर्वविज्ञानशालिना [१३] ब्रह्मेन्द्रोपेन्द्ररुद्रः प्रलयभयभृतेरीक्षितं भ्रान्तदृग्भिलाटं वः पुनातु स्मरतनुदहन लोचन विश्वमूर्तेः॥ [I] Translation. सन्ध्या वासरकामिनी नृपथगा पत्नी तथाम्भोनिधे Om! Adoration to siva. स्तत्सतो न विभेष्यपादपि कर्य निईग्धकाम बतिन्। 1. May that (third eye in the forehead of the इत्यं वाक्यपरंपराविगर्हणेनोक्तो भवान्या भयो multiform (Siva) purify you, the flame of whose भूयाद्बत्कचतुष्टयेन विहसन्नुवैश्चिरं वः श्रिये ।। [२] blazing fire, when increased by anger and fury, श्रीदुर्गगणे नरेन्द्र मुख्य सति संपादितलोकपालवृत्ते।' fills the universe, which in splendour resembles अबदातगुणोपमानहेती सर्वाश्चर्यकलावि[प]श्चितीह [||३||] the twelve suns ....... which Brahma, Indra, Upendra, and Rudra, filled with the fear यस्मिन्प्रजाः प्रमुदिता विगतोपसर्गाः of a universal destruction, eye with amazed वैxकर्मभिावदधति स्थितिमुरेशे। looks, and which consumed the body of Cupid.S सत्ववबोधविमलीकृतचेतसश्च 2. “Sandhya is the wife of the Sun, Gangi विप्राः पदं विविदिषन्ति परं स्मरारेः॥ [४] || is the spouse of the Ocean ; ascetic, consumer यः सर्वावनिपालविस्मयकरः सत्वप्रवृत्युवल of Cupid, art thou, though thoucleavest to them, ज्वालादग्धतमाक्षतारितिमिरः प्राज्यप्रचेष्टोजसा। not afraid of sin ?" Thus chided Bhavani in शंकामन्धकविद्विषध कुरुते तुल्याकृवित्वादही successive sentences. May Bhava, who (there • In this respect, as well as in the form of the letters, the inscription resembles the seal of Sarvavarmå published in Jour. R.As.8oc. vol. III.p.377. +v. 1, read with No. II शिखाकान्त. End of line 1, before राविराशु' rend दहनं; end of line 9-लोचनंवि the first letter of line s doubtful. v. 2, rend त्रिपथगा. End of lines-कामन', end of lines-श्रियैः V.3,°ला in कला very indistinet, प° in विपश्चितीह gone. Both restored according to No. II; end of line 5 before rate. v. 4, end of line 6-सत्वव;-Tead सत्त्वाव'. v.b, read 'स्युज्ज्वल प्रचेष्टोजसाः कातिवादम- न्मथः 'क्षin'तमाक्षतारि doubtkul. End of lino7-विस्म'; and of line 8- विद्वि. V.6, perhape अत्यपायेषु and read विक्रियः; end of line 9-आसी. V. 7, read 'सभापतिर्व', त्यजिमः, end of line 10-तस्यावर'; and line 11-स्वगुणैः. v. 8, read तेनेदमकारि end of line 12-प्रस. V. 9, per. hapa रक्षणापि कृतिनः; rend प्रेत्य यन्ति; सुहृद : तार्थाः End of line 13-रक्ष. V.10, का in प्रकाम and ल in रातिकलप indistinct. Perhape मल्पकपक्ष्म to be read, as an additional syllable is required. End of line 14-15 प्र; and of line 16-दृष्टान्यपुष्ट. V. 11, read संवत् शतेषु as required by the metre; प्रणिहितमा लोकेश्वराधिपते:, end of line 18-घटत्वा '. V. 12, end of line 17-प्रतीते. V. 13, end of line 18-अच्युतस्य सुते in सुतेने° very indistinet; perhapa सुतेनैव to be read. Read सूत्रधारेण वामनेनेह. 9 Metre sragdhard. Twelve suns shine in terrible brilliancy at the end of a kalpa. Upendra and Rudra are avatdras of Vishnu and Siva.


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