(JUNE, 1876.
upon)loudly laughed with his four mouths, long 10. In the season which is delightful on acgive you prosperity !
count of the noise made in their sports by 3. When Durgagaṇa was chief of kings, roaming bees drunk with copious streams of who performed the deeds of a Protector of the honey, in which sweet and loud resound the world, who caused (all) brilliant virtues to be voices of rejoicing Koils, this dwelling of Samcompared with himself), who was skilled in the bhu.... was consecrated. perfortnance of all kinds of deeds exciting 11. In Samvat 746 this house of the king wonder in this world) T,
of the rulers of the Universe was erected. 4. During whose reign his subjects, in con 12. Bhatta Sarva gupta composed this sequence of the merit of) their actions, lived laudatory inscription, without any arrogance, in joyful and free from misfortunes, while the sweet and easy terms understood by the people Brahmans, whose minds were purified by the and pregnant with meaning. I knowledge of Truth, strove for the highest abode 13. V âmana, the son of Achyuta, the of the foe of Cupid,*
clever mason who was abie to understand the 5. Who astonished all rulers of the earth, original, has incised it in the stone). S who, strongly and swiftly acting, utterly destroyed the dark cloud of his unhurt foes by the
Transcript of No. II. brilliant flame of his bravery, who caused (Siva)
......: UTEEMGEBUNATAT the foe of Andhaka, to doubt on account of his
a t II TCE YATATE resemblance (to Cupid and to ask), "How is it .........-1that Cupid has recovered brilliant beauty, though ... mert aratteri he was consumed by the fire (of my eye)?”+
...... T: HATCH: TITLEH. 6. Then lived a grateful, truthful man call.
agad ............? ed Deva, who did not oppress his kindred,
- and who did not lose his presence of mind even
स्तत्सते न विभेष्यगाधपि कंथे निर्द in great misfortunes. I
ग्धकाम वतिन् इत्थं वाक्यपरंपराविग7. His younger brother was called V opp &ka, a bank-holder during the gaming-parties of
............3 rich kings, who, being a liberal man and upright,
...... - Acherers a: II gladdened even the learned by his good qualities.
श्रीदुर्गगेणे नरेन्द्र मुख्य सति संपादित8. He, seeing that a chain of sufferings, pro- le.........8 duced by old age and separation, clings to embo- वश्चर्यकलाविपश्चितीह |॥ यस्मि प्रजाः died beings, built this temple of the god who प्रमुषिताः विगतोपपग्गाः सेx कर्मभि wears the moon on his crest, in order to avoid faufa ftara............ (future) births and deaths.
......... para o MIO 9. Spiritual merit alone is a constant friend,
...... at ay: 997 proteols the steps of the pious, and follows them even in death. After men die, friends and-how
FEEG... - much more!-their possessions leave them. I ............ fafce Metre sardalavikridita. Sandhya is the goddess of
brahmanans, the recognition of the unity of the inmorning, midday, and evening. In Saiva mythology he
dividual and universal souls. jealousy of Parvati against this rival and against Ganga, 7 Metre sârdalavikriditu. who comes out from the braided locks of Siva, plays a great I Metre anushtubh. róle, and it is a favourite subject with the poets.
9 Metre gftyarya. Vákyaparamparavigarlmena is against the metre, and
I Metre aupachhandasiki. To avoid births and deaths, it is not impossible that the true reading is vigahanens,
i.e. to obtain mukti, or final salvation. though under this supposition two letters would have to be changed. The sense remains the same.
Metre gityaryi. Protects the steps of the pious'
might also be rendered, 'protects the pious (kritinak) when [ Metre ampachchhindasiki. Sampaditalokapalavritte
they fail, or fall into danger or sin. means both who acted as protector of the world' aud 'who imitated the behaviour of the Lokapalas,' the eight guardian
* Metre vreuntatilka. The season meant is, of course, deities of the points of the horizon. Avadatagunopamana
spring. If alpakapakshnu is the correct restoration, it hetat-lit. who was the cause of the comparing of brilliant
may mean to which small wings are attached. qualities' means that his excellence caused him to be
Metre pagiti. spoken of in the hyperbole called pratipdlankára, e.g. that I Metre gfti or udgitha. thelion wanid to be possessed of courage similar to his, or Motre anushtubh. Parvavijnanesaliña,'ht. "who the moon to posa083 a brilliancy similar to that of his fame. is able to completely understand the preceding,' apparently
* Metre vasantatilaka. Sattvavabodha means, of course, indicates that the mason was a person versed in Sanskrit.
der this suppo the true regainst the metre