Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 152
________________ 128 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1876. æther. 15. The pure soul through its connexion 20. Through ignorance the quality and acwith the five Kosas,t &c. &c. appears as thoughtivity of the body and of the senses are attributed it partook of their form or nature, -in this, how- to the pure soul which is essence and spirit, ever, merely resembling the pure crystal in just as blueness, &c. &c. is attributed to the proximity with dark-coloured cloth. 16. The Átman, the inner, the pure one, 21. In consequence of ignorance, form, acwhich is enclosed in those Kosas, may be thresh- tivity, &c. &c.—the essential Upadhit of the ed out of them by philosophical study, like the mind,--are copied by the soul; like the moon, rice-corn. in the water, partaking of the motion of the 17. Atman, although always All-pervading, waves, &c. &c. does not shine forth in all. In the understanding, 22. Inclination, desire, pleasure, pain, &c. bowever, it is very manifest, like the reflection &c. are intensified when Buddhi is present (i.e. of a mirror upon a pure surface. present in the waking state as well as in the 18. Atman may be considered as one who has dreaming state); but in the profound dreamless no part in the nature of the body,'senses, mind, sleep,$ when it (i.e. Buddhi) exists not, these are or understanding, and yet, though distinct from not intensified. Therefore this is the property them, he is always quietly overlooking their of Buddhi, and not of the Atman. activity,- (in this) msembling a king. 23. As brightness is inherent in the Sun, 19. To fools the Spirit appears to be active, coolness in Water, and warmth in Fire in a when the senses only are really active : just as natural manner: so existence, spirituality, bliss, the moon appears to move when the clouds only and eternal purity belong to the soul (in a and eternal purity belong to are passing natural manner). Commentary the condition resulting from ignorance). Mdyd is 22. The commentator remarks: "The author in undefinable, because it is neither Sat, real, nor this strophe confutes the logic of the Atomic School, Asat, unreal. which considers desire, anger, pleasure, and pain, 15. There are extraneous causes which lend to to be the natural conditions (Dharma) of the Spirit." the Spirit the appearance of various forms: it is, 23. Existence belongs to the soul because it however, perfectly pure, and uncontaminated by stands the test of the three stales (.e. waking, them, just as the crystal, which permits the colour dreaming, and dreamless sleep). Spirituality beof the cloth to be seen through it, without becom- longs to it because that in those three states it reing in any way mingled with it or defiled by it. cognizes objects which appear. Bliss is a peculiar 16. Yukti, or philosophical study, consists of rapture with freedom from all pain. Some, however, three parts, namely, Hearing, Meditation, and Sys- explain the last peculiarity thus, " Happiness betematic Contemplation. The commentator quotes longs to the soul," because the soul is the object of the following aphorisin :-"For the Lordly-life- pleasure. Eternity belongs to it, because it exists Spirit are the five Kosas and the five cavities, and undivided through the three times. Others, howthese five cavities are the five elements." ever, claim this attribute for it because the soul 18. In obedience to the King's mandate his does not enter into the four negative categories. ministers transact affairs of stato; and, although These are as follows: the king takes no part with them in these trans- 1. That category according to which there was actions, he is perfectly cognizant of their doings. nothing prior = Prágabháva. 19. It is as if one were to say when water is 2. That category according to which something falling, "The sun (reflected therein) moves." It is that was ceases to be = Pradvansábhdva. as if one were to say when the clouds are hurrying 3. That category according to which nothing along, "The cool shining moon moves on." The was or shall be = Atjantábhava. Upddhis of the bodies, &c. &c. are but imagina- 4. That category according to which something tively joined to the changeless Spirit. The Jiva- is a separate thing (from other things) = Anjonidea is the gross-world activity. Know this! jdbhava. + The soul is said to have five Kosas, coverings or sheaths, world. e.g. (1.) Aunamaya Koga, or the covering of corporeal form which is supported by food; (ii.) Pranamaya Kosa, the vital, During life the soul is considered to occupy one or other external organs, or sphere of breathing; (ii.) Mandmaya of three states, i.e. waking, dreaming, and profound sleep. While awake, the soul, associated with the body, is active, Kosa, the mental organs; (iv.) Vijnanamaya Kosa, the and has to deal with a real creation in the dreaming atate organs of perception, with intellect; (v.) Anandamaya, an illusory world is created; but in the profound sleeping sphere of supreme happiness, unconscious of all but self. state the soul is absent, having retired by the channel of Upadhi is the illusive form of Brahma within the the arteries to the booom of the Supremo.


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