Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 104
________________ 82 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1876. before him into the hands of pilgrims, who either the braddha was celebrated fed him with fint lave their faces with the fetid liquid, or drink it cakes, ghi, sweetmeats, vegetables, and curds with the greatest reverence. The supposed sanctity placed in a plate of paldsa leaves. I observed that of this well is owing to the circumstance that the these eatables were deroured with the greatest idol of Siva was thrown into it when the original avidity by the man for whom they were prepared, temple of Visvesvaranath was destroyed by as if he had been nursing his appetite with the the Musalmåns. Hence the water of the pool is intention of doing full justice to the feast. thought to be the habitation of Mahadeva himself, MONIER WILLIAMS. or at least to be permeated by his presence. Close to the pool of Mani-karnika, on the PHALANDI, JODHPUR, JESALMER, AND day I visited the ghất, a man was performing a POKRAN. braddha for his mother, under the guidance of a The town of Pha landi is an interesting place nearly naked and decidedly stout Brahman. The to come across in such a desert country. The ceremony was the dalmabraddha, performed on the 1 stone tracery of the houses in its principal streets tenth day after death, and was evidently ekoddishta. is very beautiful, and it possesses a large and wellThe officiating Brahman began by forming a built fort, the walls of which are over forty feet high. slightly elevated piece of ground with some sand This fort has a small garrison, and its armament lying near at hand. This is supposed to con consists of a few antiquated field-pieces, which stitute a small vedi or altar. It was of an oblong seemed quite unserviceable from rust and general form, but only about eight or ten inches long neglect: in the centre of it there is a deep and by four or five broad. Across this raised sand he capacious reservoir for water. The fort is com. laid three stalks of leuka grass. Then taking a manded, bat at a distance of 5600 yards, by the number of little earthenware platters or saucers, Ekka Hill, on which one of my stations is situated. he arranged them round the vedi, putting tila or The city of Jodhpur lies at the foot of the sesamum seed in one, rice in another, honey in a hillon which the fort is situated, and at its southern third, areca or betel-zut in a fourth, chandana or sido; the greatest length from north to south is side; the greatest lengun from norts to sou Bandal in a fifth. Next, he took flour of barley(yava) about 2) miles, and the greatest breadth of and kneaded it into one large pinda, rather small- & mile. It is closed in on the north side by the er than a cricket-ball, which he carefully depositedfort, and on the east, south, and west by a bigh in the centre of the sand vedi, scattering over it wall capable of mounting guns, having six gate. jasmine flowers, khaskhas grass, and wool. And ways. It is a good specimrn of a natire city, and placing on one side of it a betel-leaf with areca- is kept fairly clean; there are many wells aur nut and a single copper coin. Then having poured three tanks: one of the latter, an artificial uno water from a lota into his hand, he sprinkled it (only completed last year), is very fine and large, over all the offerings, arranged in the manner I its bed and sides being of pakd masonry. have just described. Other similar operations The fort is built on a hill, the highest in the followed :--Thus, for instance, an earthenware plat- neighbourhood, rising 420 feet above the surroundter, containing a ligtated wick, was placed near the ing country. There are two roads leading up to offerings; ten other platters were filled with water, the fort, which unite a few yards distant from the which was all poured over the pinda; another gateway, and turn a sharp corner before reaching small platter with a lighted wick was added to the gate; both roads are well protected by gans. the first, then some milk was placed in another Besides this there are two other gates to be passed platter and poured over the pinda, and then once before the fort is gained, -the first a small yet more the pinda was sprinkled with water. Final- strong one in a narrow pass between two rocks, ly the Brahman joined his hands together and did and the second a large one approached by a steep půjd to the pinda. The whole rite did not last ascent, well commanded by guns, and, like the more than ten of fifteen minutes, and while it was outer one, made difficult by being placed round a proceeding, the man for whose mother it was per- corner. Access to the fort from any other direction formed continued to repeat mantras and prayers would be impossible, as the sides are sheer preci. under the direction of the officiating Brahman, quite pices of from two to three hondred feet. The counregardless of much loud talking and vociferation try below is commanded on all sides by the guns going on around him. of the fort. There is a good-sized tank in the fort. The braddha ceremony was concluded by what the city of Jesalmer is much smaller than is commonly called the Brdhmana-bhojana, or Jodhpur, its reported number of inhabitants being feeding of a Brabman, that is to say, another 10.000: but, from all I could see and hear, the Brahman was brought and made to sit down near place was once in a far more flourishing state, and the oblations, while the man for whose mother the ruins of its former greatness are yet to be seen.


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