Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 139
________________ APRIL, 1876.) INSCRIPTIONS FROM KÅVI. 115 his sword quieted in battle the impetuosity of the same being not to be entered by the reguthe lord of Valabhi-who quenching the fire lar or irregular soldiers, I nor to be meddled of the desires of the great Pandits of the whole with by any royal officers, (the grant being world and giving them the fruits of their made) under exclusion of all ancient and recent wishes) is praised in songs by the whole crowd gifts to gods and Brahmans, and to last as long of the wives of the gods --whose lotus-foet are as moon, sun, sea, earth, rivers and hills endure. reddened by the rays of the crest-jewels of a Wherefore nobody is to cause hindrance to him hundred princes,-(and) who has obtained the who by virtue of his following the rule of conduct five great titles. of this hermitage enjoys it, cultivates it, causes (He being) in good health addresses these it to be cultivated, or gives orders regarding it. commands to all kings, feudal chiefs, governors The future gracious kings, be they of our of provinces, governors of zillâs, chiefs of tâlu- race or another, should respect this our grant kas and villages, (his) officials and all others :- and protect it, and he who-his mind being Be it known unto you that, in order to increase obscured by the dark cloud of ignorance-rethe fame and the spiritual merit of my parents sumes it or allows it to be resumed, shall be guilty and of my own self in this world and in the next, of the five mortal sins and of the minor sins. I have given, (confirming the gift) by a libation And the venerable Vyasa, the compiler of the of water, on the tenth day of the bright half of Vedas, has stated as follows: Ashadha, when the sun entered the sign of the “The giver of land resides sixty thousand Scorpion on an auspicious day, to the worshipful | years in heaven, but he who resumes it or abets Aśramadeva, established in the village of its resumption resides as long in hell." Kemajju, in order to defray the expenses of “Those who resume grants of land are born perfume, frankincense, flowers, lamps, of a per- again as black cobras, and live in dry holes in petual musical service, of the cleaning of the tem- the waterless jungles of the Vindh yas." ple, and of the repairs of its broken, rent, and "Many kings, as Sagara and others, have fallen (portions), of new works, of painting (it), enjoyed the earth; the fruit of the earth beand the like, a piece of land measuring fifty longs to him who possesses it." nivartunas and situated on the south-western "The first-born of Fire is Gold, (from Vishnu boundary, in the village of Kemajju, incinded comes the Earth, from the Sun are born) the in the province of Bharukachchha, as a gift Cows; he who presents gold, a cow, or land to the gods—this field being marked by the fol. has given the three worlds." lowing four boundaries to the east by the road “What pious man would resume-the gifts of leading to Chhira ka ha, to the south by the former kings...... which resemble leavings P" extremity of the territory of Ja mbha, to the “He should protect, according to his power, west by the road from Jambh â to Goliavali, grants of land made by himself or others. ... to the north by the road to Sih ugrama and ...... Protecting is better than giving." the well near the Vad tree-according to the ana- The illustrious Kandakanaka is the execulogy of the reasoning from the familiar instance tive officer. In the year four hundred and of the ground and of the clefts therein, together eighty-six (486), in the bright half of Asha dha, with its ... together with its green and dry on a Sunday. Composed and written by .... produce, together with its income in grain and My own sign-manual, (that) of the illustrious gold, together with its ten faults,t together Jayabhat a (a) e (va). with the right of forced labour arising therefrom, (To be continued). . Regarding the correct interpretation of the word In the treatises on law it is usually explained by stena, ' mahasabda see above. thief,' and in some cases it is combined with krora, 'cruel In the Gurjara'inscriptions the vishayapatis are always men.' BAL Gangadhar Satri renders it by 'followers of placed before rishtrapatis,-contrary to the practice of the king,' and comes, I think, very near to the truth. For other grants. The vishaya in Gujarat must have been a the enumeration of the component parts of an Indian army. larger territory than the rashtra. as given in Kamandaka's Nitisara, XVI. 6-7, ineludes, besides the ata vikal balam, the men of the forest, i.e. + Several eminent Sastris whom I have lately consulted Bhile, Kolis, &c., who never were much better than thieves, regarding the term sadásdparadha have independently especially the abanitan kruran lubdhakar dushtakarma. arrived at the conclusion that the ten faults refer to the nah, the uncounted cruel ones, hunters, doers of evil deeds ten actions about land possible under the Simavivada. or outcastes,' i.e. the whole rabble of irregular soldiery prakarana. I had made the same conjecture. and camp followers, who in our days, too, always swell the II now translate the word chata by 'irregular soldiers.' | train of a native prince.


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