Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 97
________________ MARCH, 1876.] THE DHÅRÅSINVA ROCK TEMPLES. 77 wide, with a small half-flower at each end, and a The shrine measures 19 3' wide by fully 15' row of beading above and below. Under this is deep, and 13' high, and is occupied by a large the usual belt of rich floral sculpture, ---of a line black image seated on a siñhasana with a pasof leaves, a second of arabesques, and a third sage five feet wide all round it. This image has of festooned garlands,-the three rows being also been carefully repaired with plaster and divided from one another by lines of small beads. paint. It is exactly of the sort found in the This style is found also at Badami, Ajanta, Au- larger VibAra caves at Ajantâ arid Aurangabad, rangabad, and other places. The central pillars in and in one of those at Násik. The seat or throne this verandah were doubtless also richly carved. is about 4 feet high and 6' 10" wide, supported From the verandah five doors entered the at the corners by lions, and with antelopes or great hall: of these all have disappeared in the deer facing a wheel in the centre turned edgeruin except one at each end, and the jamb of a ways to the seat: this wheel, however, has been third : the central and largest door was pro- entirely broken away in this instance, but as it bably the only one with any sculpture upon it. occurs in the next two caves there can be The hall, now about three feet deep in mud no doubt that it once occupied the same posiand cowdang, is not quite square, but measures tion here. Over the front of the seat hangs through the centre about 82 feet across by what is intended for the border of a rich cloth. 79 3'' deep, and is about 10 21 high in the The image sits with the legs turned up in front middle, but 124 feet in the black aisle, the roof of the body, and the hands laid over them with being supported by thirty-two columns, arranged the open palm turned upward : there is a large in two concentric squares. The inner square cushion behind his back, from behind which of twelve columns--all octagonal, with square again issues the conventional griffin or makara's bases-measures very nearly 23 feet each way head. At each end of the asant and overlooking inside. The outer twenty columns enclose a these figures stands a chauri-bearer with richly square measuring 55' 2" wide in front, and jewelled headdress and necklaces, and above 59 2' at the back, by 53' 4" deep, the pillars each a fat cherub. All this, and the whole arbeing all square with bracket capitals and carved rangements of the temple, answer exactly to necks, except four in front of the shrine which the description of a Bauddha Vihara. The are round and with circular capitals. The image and attendant figures have been plastered spacing on the sides of this square, too, is un. and painted by Jains: it measures about 6 feet equal, -four pillars on each face, ranging with from knee to knee, 4 2" across the shoulders, those in the inner square, are about 6 feet 3.6' from the palm of the hand to the chin; the apart, while those at the corners are 13 feet face is about 25" from ear to ear over the each from the next in the line. The front aisle eyes, and 1'5'' in length to the hair, which is in is not flat-roofed like the rest of the cave, but curled folds with a topknot, and the ears are slopes upon each side to a ridge 5' 9' above the 7'' in length. But the body is-now at leastlevel of the roof. represented without the robe which can almost On each side of the great hall are eight cells always be traced on Bauddha figures,-though each about 84 feet square, and at the back are this might have been obliterated by the black six more and the shrine. In the cell in the composition with which it has been covered, as north-west corner is a small hole in the floor, it has probably altered the character and exwhich is constantly filled with water. The pression of the features,-but behind the head, second to the left of the shrine contains a small instead of the nimbus, is a seven-hooded cobra image which is worshipped as Hari Narayan, with little crowns on each hood, all carefully and that next the shrine contains a black stand- painted to represent the natural colour of skin ing image of a nude Jina 6' 1" high, in a recess, and spots. If this and the nudity of the figure with a triple plaster chattri above his head. are original,-then how came the Digambaras The recess and figure bave all been carefully to imitate so closely the details of Bauddha done up, some ten years or so ago, with plaster images? and paint (or pitch); and, without injuring it, At a cistern, to which there was once access it was impossible to say whether it belonged by a door in the west end of the verandah, now originally to the cave or not. I built up, and with a brick and lime basin in


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