Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 92
________________ 72 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1876. Revatidvipa*, straightway his mighty army, in the very sight of those that looked on, a fortress which abounded in splendid banners, and which in the middle of the sea. Even those, who, having had beset the ramparts, -being reflected in the drunk the water of the Ganga and having abanwater of the ocean, -was as if it were the army doned the seven sins, had already acquired prosof Varuna, that had come at his command. When perity, were always eager in drinking the nectar his elder brother's son, named Pulike si, of of close attendance upon him, being attracted by dignity like that of Nahusha, was desired by the his dignity. In the countries of the Konkaņa, goddess of fortunet, and had his actions and his the watery stores of the pools which were the determination and his intelligence perverted by Mauryas were quickly, ejected by the great the knowledge that his uncle was enviously dis- wave which was Chandadan da, who acted posed towards him,--he, Maúgalis a, whose at his command. When he, who resembled the advantage of power was completely destroyed destroyer of citiestt, was besieging that city, by the use of the faculties of counsel and energy which was the goddess of the fortunes of the that were accumulated by himt, lost his mighty western ocean, with hundreds of ships that had kingdom and his life in the attempt to secure the resemblance of elephants mad with passion, the sovereignty for his own son. the sky, which was as blue as a newly opened lotus The whole world, which then, in this inter- and which was covered with masses of cloudsti, ruption of the succession, was enveloped by the became like the ocean, and the ocean was like darkness of enemies, was lit up by the masses the sky. Being subdued by his prowess, the of the lustre of his unendurable splendour; L atas and the Mala vas and the Gurjaras otherwise, when was it that the dawn (again) became, as it were, worthy people, behaving like bespread the sky, which was as black as a swarm chieftains brought under subjection by punishof bees, by reason of the thunderclouds which ment. Envious because his troops of mighty had the glancing lightning for their banners, and elephants were slain in war, Harsha, --whose the edges of which were bruised (by striking lotuses, which were his feet, were covered with against each other) in the rushing wind? And the rays of the jewels of the chiefs that were when, having obtained an opportunity, G 0. nourished by his immeasurable power, was vinda, who bore the title of Appâyika, caused by him to have his joy melted away by came to conquer the earth with his troops of fear. While he was governing the earth with elephants, then at the hands of the armies of his great armies, the Rêvå, which is near to the him, who was straightway assisted even by the venerable (mountain of) Vindhya and which is western (ocean), the warrior, who was the ocean beauteous with its varied sandy stretches, shone of the north, acquired in war a knowledge of the more by virtue of its own glory, though it the emotion of fear, the reward which he there was deserted by its elephants from envy of the obtained. When he was laying siege to Vana- mountains in the matter of their size. Being vâsi, girt about by the river Hamsa nadi almost equal to Sakra$8 by the three constituents which disports itself in the theatre which is the of kingly power that were properly acquired by high waves of the Varad&, and surpassing him, and by his own virtues which were his with its prosperity the city of the gods--the high lineage and others, he acquired the sovefortress which was on the dry land, having the reignty of the three countries called Mahasurface of the earth all round it covered by the râshtraka, which contain ninety-nine thou. greatocean which was his army, became as it were, sand villages, The Kalingas and the KÔ sa inscription given in Sir W. Elliot's Essay on Hindu Inscriptions, Mangalia is described as " seizing upon the princes of the earth, and ravishing the power of the Kalachuris like a thunder-bolt". An unknown locality. But Raivata is a patronymic of Kakudmi, the ruler of Anarta, a country in the peninsula of Gujarat the capital of which was Dvbraka or Kukasth:11. [Revati is also a name of Mount Girner, in K&. thiAwM, and perhaps Révatidvipa is the peninsula.-Ed.). + i.e., 'was preferred by the people to Mangalia and his son'. I Pulikesi. & The Govinda here referred to was in all probability a Rashtrakůta monarch. The Rashtrakutag were famous for the possession of elephants; thus in the Yewür inscrip. tion reference is made to force of five hundred elephants belonging to Krishnaraja destroyed by Jayasinhavallabha. || Pulikeál. The meaning would seem to be that Govinda was the lord of the northern ocean, and that Puliket in opposing and defeating him was helped by allies dwelling on the west coast. The Varad, modern WardA, flows close under the walls of the present town of Banawle; and Hans Anadi is probably the old name of a tributary stream of some size that flows into it about seven miles higher up. it Siva, or Indra. 11 Compared to the ships on the ocean. 55 Indra.


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