Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 68
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. Third plate ; second side. [21] एतस्याः (स्या) उत्तरं गत्वा चिञ्च (ञ्चा) वृक्षः [[ ] ततः (त ) उत्तरं गत्वा कु ( क ) रु पूरग्रामस्य क ( के ? ) ण्डुकृ[22] रामस्य च पथि शित्य [] ततः उत्तरं गया शिलोपलयम् [1] ततः उत्तरं ग [23] त्वा क ( कु ? )रुपूरग्रामे ब्र(ब्रा)ह्मणानाम् हलते प्रस्थानची शिला [0] उत्तरां (र) दि [24] शि अवधि: शिले. पलयवृतो महाचिञ्च ( ञ्चा) वृक्षः पित ततः अपरदिशं गत्वा [1] 52 Fourth plate; first side. [26] मस्य [25] कोण्डमुरुबुदु (! डु | ग्रामस्य सीमान्तमवधिः [11] एवं चतुर्णाम् सीमानधीनाम् मध्ये (प) सी? ) (डित (सं) निवर्त्तनानि क (के ?] डुबूरे विष्णु व सेनापतिकृत विष्णुहारदेवकुदेवभोगं कृत्वा अष्टादशज्ञातिभिः परिहरिरुपेता () अस्मदायुर्बल[24] वर्द्धनीयमस्माभिः सम्प्रदत्तं [1] तदवगम्य तस्मिन्विषये सर्व्वायुक्तकाः सर्व्वनै (नि) य्यो (यु)का: (क्ता) [20] राजवल्लभाः सञ्चरन्तकाथ तत्समम् सम्यंपरिहरिः परिहरन्तु परिहारयन्तु च [।।] [27] लाय Fourth plate; second side. [30] यश्चेदमस्मच्छासनमतिक्रामेत्स पापश्शारीर [द || ]ण्डमर्हति [1] अपि चापि श्लोकाः [1] [31] भूमिदानात्परु (रं) न्दानं न भूतन भविष्यति तस्यैव हरणपाप ( पान् ) न भूतं न भविष्यति [11] [8] स्वदत्ता (तो) परदत्ता (त्त) वा यो हरेत वसुन्धराम् गर्न शतसहस्वस्य हन्तुः पिवतिदु[20] कृतम् [11] सिंहवमा (म )हाराजस्य विजयसंवत्सरे एकादशे पीयमासे कृष्णपक्षे [4] दशम्या म् मया दत्ता ताम्रपट्टिका [11] Translation. Victory has been achieved by the holy one! From the glorious and victorious locality of Pa1 a k ka da**, at the command of Sri Vishnu gô pa varm â, the pious Yuva ma hârâ jatt of the Pallavas, who are the receptacles of the royal glory of other kings that have been overcome by their valour, and who have prepared for celebration horse-sacrifices according to the proper rites, of him who is the great-grandson of the Great King Sri Skandavarma, who was an excellent worshipper of the supreme spirit, who acquired by the strength of his arm a great abundance of the penances‡‡ peculiar to those who belong to the caste of warriors, who conformed to all such injunctions as are prescribed, who was firm in steadiness of conduct, and who was broad-minded; of him who is the grandson of the Great King Sri-Viravarma, the bravest man upon the surface of the earth, who [ FEBRUARY, 1876. || This letter, द, is omitted altogether in the original. Bhagavan' is an epithet of Vishnu, Siva, or Jina. Judging from the proper names of the kings, the god Vishnu,would seem to be intended here. ** The position of this place is not known to me. ti Fuvamaharaja' denotes an heir apparent associated in the government with the reigning Maharaja or great king. Analogously to these two terms, we have in other in stances 'Raja' and Yuvaraja.' I sc., bravery, skill in the use of weapons, good government, charity to Brahmans, &c. was endowed with honoured power and success, and who subjugated by his prowess the assemblage of kings §§; of him who is the son of the Great King Sri Skandavar mà, who nourished the gods and the twice-born and spiritual preceptors and old men, who was of great affability, who acquired much piety by many gifts of cows and gold and land and other things, who was skilful in protecting his subjects, who was the fifth Lô kapala of the Lokapālas ||], who was true-hearted, and who was high-minded; of him who is possessed of all prosperity produced by his devotion towards the holy one and by his goodness; who is always initiated into the charitable vows of the occupation of pleasing and protecting his subjects; who is possessed of the radiance of the fame of his victories acquired by impetuous assaults in many battles; who is always zealous in supporting religion 55 Or, if preferred, the countries or courts of (other) kings.' The four Lokapilas, or presiding deities of the cardinal points of the compass, are,-Indra, of the East; Yama, of the South Varuna, of the West; and Kuvera, of the North. Usually the Lokap ålas are spoken of as eight in number, viz. the above four together with the regents of the intermediate points of the compass, who are, Agni, of the South-East; Nirriti, or Surya, of the South-West; Vayu, of the North West; and 1sans or Soma, of the North-East.


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