Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 57
________________ FEBRUARY, 1876.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 45 mental bands, and the whole enclosed with an to be a song of praise consisting of ingeniously elaborate border. The inscription, it is said, may varied epithets, somewhat resembling the Orphic be read as verses in any direction, and appears Hymns: a copy is given in conclusion :Smaraharat Karmalopa Bhuvanesa Hathabhrama Ninaviranai Uratara Barharapa Bhuvanesa Natabhrama Ninastranai Suruchira Sarmasadma Suvinita Dhritôdgama Ninasaranai Varakara Dharmavartma Surinta Yutakshama Ninadbiranai Bhayamada Pathihara Niraradys Nirajana Ninaganyanai Dayavidha J&tidura Varavaidya Chirantana Ninapuryanai Jayadhsita Nitiyoga Surabarmya Dhşit&nvita Ninadbanyansi Dayaksita Vitaraga Giridhairya Varânvita Ninasaranai Vilasita Bhurichakra Chamarija Mahânvita Ninasiddhanai Balaguta Charunakra Samuroja Mahânvita Ninabuddhanai Khalagata Marachaitra Samudaya Maharddhika Ninasaukhyanai Malagata Sarabhata Ramaiya Sahayaka Ninamukhyanai Suranata Charumauli Maziraja Pariksbaka Ninanathanai Parivrita Bhůrinila Phaniraja Surakshaka Ninajihvanai Parahita Sarabhadra Gunayukta Sunishita Ninakanthanai Parichita Máraraudra Ranajaitra Vinishkrita Ninasantanai Ghanadhfita Vinibita Muninuta Janapati Yuktisara Saktisara Bhuktidharmya Muktiramya Nirapeksha Varadaksha Charamanga Paramanga Janåsrita Manôjita Ghanåsrita Mahipati Ninaramyanai Ninagamyansi Ninnharmyanai Ninasaumyanai SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. BY J. F. FLEET, Bo. C.S. (Continued from page 20). Through the kindness of Sir W. Elliot there with the sun above him and a cow and calf has been lont to me a copy of his collection of beyond him; and on its left, a representation Old Canarese stone-inscriptions, belonging to of Basava, with the moon above it. the Library of tho University of Edinburgh, The inscription commences with the mention and Mr. Bargess has made over to me a set of Tribhuvanamalla-Bijja nad êva, of 57 excellent facsimiles of Sanskrit and Old and his eldest son, S ôma or Sovidê va, and Canarese copper-plates. I hope to make valu- second son, Saika madê va or Sa i ka mable additions to the present series from these mad êva. The titles applied to them are those two sources. of paramount sovereigns. No. XI. It then mentions Lakmidê va, Chan. This is another Kala churi inscription, to dungidêva, Rē chaņay ya, Sôvaņaybe read in connexion with No. III. of this series, ya, and Kû vaņayya, the chief ministers of from Plate No. 38 of Major Dixon's collec- Sankamad 8 va, and the royal spiritual pretion. The original, in the Old Canarese charac- ceptor, Vâmasaktide va, the priest of the ters and language, is on a stone-tablet, 4' 7" temple of the god Dakshinak & dar & svarahigh by l' 11" broad, at B alagamve. The dê va at Balligrame, which was the chief emblems at tho top of the tablet are: In the town of the Bana vas e Twelve-thousand. centre, a linga; on its right, å standing priest, It then proceeds to record how, at the suit These words, being read along the lines from left to right, constitute five stanzas in the Champakamala metre. By means of the metro and the Prisas or alliterations, for which the stanzas are intended to be regarded as & curio sity, I have corrected such mistakes as were obvious in the transcription, by substituting real for unreal words. ] cannot at present suggest any further improvement or offer & translation.-J.FF.


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