Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 42
________________ 34 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1876. the years of king R â ma are 167. In the year took Toragal are :-Ali-Aga, Sultân-Âga, Ra. Raktákshi, in the month Magha, on Friday maji-Pant, Krishnaji-Pant, Abdulla-Vadera, the fifth day of the bright fortnight, at noon, Bade-Malik, Sidi-Yakot, and Sidi-Sâlim. On the Râmarî ja was slain in battle. fourth day of the bright fortnight of the month After that, on the tenth day of the bright fort- Pushya of the Kshaya samvatsara, Kasim-Khân night of the month Chaitra of the Krodhana came, and the reign of the Môgals extended sariwatsara, which was the year of the Saliva- over the people of Toragal. The names of the hanaśaka 1487, the king of the city of Pân dô- Killedårs of the Môgals are: -Kâdiradad-Khân, nagara laid siege to Toragal. Mahaji-Khan, Lachhirama, and Ramasinga. On On Tuesday the third day of the bright fort- the thirtieth day of the dark fortnight of the night of the month Vaisakha of the Dhậta san. month Magha of the Vyaya samvatsara, A V&vatsara, which was the year of the Salivahana- rangajib died, and Râmasinga died. In the saka 14787, under the constellation Rohiņi, at Sarvajit samvatsara, Kuvarajl......... sunrise, Alli- Adal-Sah, having given a pro- On the fifteenth day of the bright fortnight of mise of safety to the younger brother of the kept- the month Vaisakha of the Sarvadhári sasivatmistress of Nagaraja, (and having so enticed sara, the illustrious Subhêdâr Śid di took TOhim) from the sally-port of Hůli, treacherously raga! and Ramadurga || by parley. The took him captive. Haveldars of Toragal were Sôśindê and KaraThen follow the names of the kings of Vija- nara-Sósinde. pure. The duration of the reign of Alli. May it be well! Reverence to Sambhu, who Adal - Sáh was 26 years, 7 months, and 25 is resplendent with a chowri which is the moon days; he ruled for three years after he took that lightly rests upon his lofty head, and who Toragal. After that, the duration of the is the foundation-pillar for the erection of the reign of I bhará m-Adal-s & h was 47 years, city of the three worlds! May there be all kinds 4 months, and 17 days, (beginning on Friday of auspicious omens! Hail! On Sunday, the the tenth day of the dark fortnight of the month tenth day of the bright fortnight of the month Chaitra of the Vikrama sarivatsıra. The du- Pushya of the Kshaya sahvatsara, which was ration of the reign of Sultan Mahamad. the year of the victorious and glorious era of the Såh was 27 years, 2 months, and 12 days, Salivahanaśaka 1008, under the constellation (beginning on Wednesday the thirteenth day Bharaņi, when the sun was commencing his proof the bright fortnight of the month Bhadrapada gress to the north, --having washed the lotuses of the Prabhava sarivatsara. The duration of which were the feet of Sridharaśarma and Sathe reign of Adal- Śâh was years, 1 month, hasraśarma and one thcusand other Brahmans, and 1 day, (beginning on) Tuesday the thir- who were intent upon the six rites of sacrificing teenth day of the bright fortnight of the month of their own accord, causing sacrifices to be perKárttika of the Durmukha saavatsara. The formed, study, instruction, giving gifts, and reduration of the reign of Sultan Sik hên dra- ceiving gifts, and who were the diamonds of the Śâh was 13 years, — months, and 21 days, tiara of learned men, and who belonged to the (beginning on Wednesday the fifteenth day of ritaalistic school of A6 vala ya n a and were the bright fortnight of the month Margaśirsha born in the lineage of Bharad vaja,-king of the Paridhävi sawvatsara. Adul. Ś åh per- Jayasekhara, --who was possessed of all ished on Monday the seventh day of the bright good qualities; who was the chief of those who fortnight of the month Asvija of the Kshaya abound in affability; who was the cherisher of sarivatsara. The Tamrarajya* commenced then. gods and Brahmans; who every day enjoyed The names of those who held the post of the blessings of Brahmans; who was adorned Havaldar of Toragal after the Turukast with perfect good fortune; who was the supreme In copying, some mistake must have been made be- The role of the copper-coloured people,--the Masaltween the numerals 3 and 7, which are very similar in mAns'. Canarese. By the table in Brown's Carnatic Chronology, Turuka, or Turushka, a Turk, or Musalman. the Dhâta saavutsara was Saka 1438, and Eaka 1978 was 1 3rd March 1707 A.D. the Nala saivatsara. Probably the word 'died' is to be supplied here; in the According to Firishtah, however, A'll A'Adil Shih original there is a lacuna. reigned from A.D. 1557 to 1579 (S. 1478 to 1500), Ibrahim | The chief town of the Native State of the same namo A'Sdil Shah II. from A.D. 1579 to 1626; and Muhammad about fire miles to the east of Toragal. Shah, A.D. 1626 to 1660.-ED.] Sútra. • GStro.


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