Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 05
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 41
________________ FEBRUARY, 1876.) CHRONICLE OF TORAGAL. 33 A CHRONICLE OF TORAGAL. BY J. F. FLEET, Bo. C.S. T HAVE had by me for a considerable time the of the universal emperor Virabuk ka and of paper from which the following translation king Jayasekhara, and having undergone is made; having kept it in the expectation of an examination as to their knowledge, they sooner or later meeting with the inscription from obtained the office of astrologers within the which the concluding portion is taken. In this, boundaries of Toragal & and the office of vilhowever, I have not yet succeeded, and it seems lage-priests | of Belag á í ve. The original useless to keep back the paper any longer with representatives of the family were :-Mudgathat object. labhatta; Sridharaśarmâ; his son, BhaskaraThe original document, from which my copy bhatta; his son, Govindabhatta of Hali ; Sri. was made, belongs to the family-records of the dharaśarmâ ; Ganapatijôyisa; Viththalajôyisa; astrologers of Belgau m, and of Munôļi in Vriddhaśamkarabhatta, the younger brother of the Parasgad Talukâ of the Belgaum District. Viththalajoyisa: these two were sons of one I believe that a branch of the same family holds husband by different wives, and, as to their the same office at Toragal. shares, the office of the boundaries of Toragal The original record, being in the modern belonged to Viththalajôyisa, and the office of Canarese dialect, has no special interest of its village-priestt to Vriddhasamkarabhatta; Vithown. It is, therefore, unnecessary to publish the thalajoyisa's sons, Samkarabhatta and Narayanatext; the translation alone will suffice. bbatta; Venkatadrijôyisa of Toragal; PurushotI have not at hand the necessary books where- tamabhatta; Dovanajoyisa; Banadibhatta; Timwith to verify the historical references. The manabhatta; Samkarabhatta; his son, Mudibhatta; chronicle, accordingly, must be taken for what it and his son, Narasimhabhatta. may be found on examination to be worth. Pro- Hail! In the Kshaya sasivatsara, which was bably it is not to be accepted as entirely true and the year of the Salivahanasaka 1008, king accurate. But papers of this kind are not often Ja ya sokhara, who belonged to a noble to be met with, and, when found, they are at least Kshatriya family, gave to Sridharasarma and of interest in showing how far history can be cor- Sahasraśarma, with libations of water, the office rectly dealt with by the natives of this country. of astrologers in the boundaries of Toragal. Translation of the Chronicle. After that king died, the names of the kings Reverence to Sri Ganesa ! May there be pros- who succeeded him are:--The king Viraperity! The succession of the great astrologers bukkat, the universal emperor: Madhavaof the Bharad vajagôtra; the details of matya-Vidyaranya was his minister ;--the years the astrologers of Hüli. of king Narasinga are 593; the years After that in former times Mudgala. of king Harihara are 560; the years of king Narasimha and Venkat o śa, who were Prabhudad ê va are 310|| ; the years of the heads of the family t of astrologers of the king Narasinga are 470; the years of king village of Kaņa kâlurudige on the banks Vira narasinga are 440; the years of king of the God a vari, had come to these parts, Râmad ê va are 390 ;-the years of king on the occasion of a great famine they came to Kșishņa are 340; the years of king A ch yuta this district; and, having obtained an audience are 275; the years of king Sad â si va are 222; . Mudgal, the chief town of the district of the same name in the territories of the Nizam of Haidarábåd, is about ten miles to the east of the eastern border of the Hungund Taluk of the Kalidgi District. + Kuladdvaru. 1 Jyotisha-vritti. $ Toragal is the chief town of the Native State of the same name, about fifty miles east by north of Belgaum. The old form of the name was Toragale, and under the Yadava kings of Devagiri Toragale was the chief town of the district known as the Toragale Six. thousand. || Gramapurohita-vritti. 1 Malapurusharu. • About twelve miles south by west of Torngal. + Gramopadhyaye-vritti. 1 According to copper-plate inscriptions, Virabuk. karaya, or the brave king Bukka, of Vijayanagara, succeeded his elder brother Harihara I, whose predecessor was their father Sangama of the Yeldavakula. I have not anywhere else as yet met with the name of Jayasekhara. If his date is correctly given here and below as Saka 1008, many kings intervened between him and Virabukkaraya, whose date is about Saka 1290. Calculated, evidently, backwards from the time when this document was written. It would seem to have been drawn up in the end of the last century. | Probably we should read 510 instead of 810.


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