Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Kavyabandlia or Vakyavinyasa
किं कवेस्तेन काव्येन किं काण्डेन धनुष्मतः । परस्य हृदये लग्नं न घूर्णयति यच्छिरः ॥
NPS knows this experience of poetic cxcellence as sudhāsnāna. It means becoming completely engrossed, merged and lost in Kāvya, then to taste of and experience its sweetness and amtatva that delights the reader and widens the boundaries of the readers personality and his Citta far and wide. It can also mean experience of immortality in moments of tasting of poetic charm for man the mortal. Thus NPS includes Karyakala in those happy elements with which the Almighty has endowed and enriched man the mortal to experience and delight in immortality for some blessed moments in life. With this, NPS comes very much in proximity of the views of Abhinava when he states:
अपूर्व यद्वस्तु प्रथयति विना कारणकला जगद्ग्रावप्रख्यं निजरसभरात्सारयति च । क्रमात्प्रख्योपाख्याप्रसरसुभगं भासयति यत् सरस्वत्यास्तत्त्वं कविसहृदयाख्यं विजयते ।।
This can very well be considered a remarkable achievement of NPS, who, in matter of the discussion oji Vakyavinyasa comes very much near to some of the views of a great modern western critics. To cite one such view, of W Levis
...-..-- - --- by which words are charged into something beyond themselves, an arrangement transmuted into the language of another world: a language in which the very shape and size and texture of words, their resonance, their position and significance become, as it were, charged with tremendous or mysterious or ravishing music." Thus, the analysis of NPS in the matter of Vakyavinyasa or Kavyabandha is very much near to the secret of the very essence of poetry.
Foot Notes
1. नास्ति प्राच्यरलकारकारैराविष्कृतं च यत् ।
कृतिस्तु तदचः सारसंग्रह व्यसनादियम II 2. कोऽप्यसो वाक्यविन्यास: काव्यबन्ध इति स्मृतः ।। २.२०