Book Title: Sambodhi 1984 Vol 13 and 14
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, Ramesh S Betai, Yajneshwar S Shastri
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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R. S. Betai
of the fact that poetry is an art that is ever new, ever fresh and ever developing towards the perfect.
This uniqueness and indefinability of Kavya slines forth in poetry through beauty of word and meaning in Kavya. A total identity and happy combination expected between the two is systematically brought forth in Kavya through his Vakvavinj asa or Karyabandha. For this Vaicitrja of Sabda NPS uses other words such as Sobha, Carutva etc. This proves one inore specific fact that Sabda, be it Vacya, laksya or Vyangja in Kavya, must of necessity be charming; it must be appealing to the Sahrdaya, pleasing and delighting to him. To NPS, this charm and appeal of Kavya constitute its Satya. When NPS states that the poet brings about a profound wave-like flow of speech in Kavya, it is in this sense. Indirectly NPS also lays down that in Kivya, Sabda and Artha, their identity, their wholesomeness, their Vinyasa, everything should be uniquely rieh in beauty, it should be delighting to the Sahrdaya. Behind this, a unique other beauty of charmingness evolves out of the individual beauty of Sabda and Artha in Kavya; it is indescribable mental comprehension; it is only to be experienced. The Sanghatana being like Ardhanarisvara means the absence of the consciousness of the Samdhis of all these, but not that only. It also means their unique oneness and an awe-inspiring experience of the incomparable Cărutva of Kavya born there of. Only this can endow different experiences of Bhavas, of course according to his own Sabrdayatva. NPS knows these experiences as indefinable and unique. He refers to their vast variety and knows this as bathing, merging, diving being lost in the nectar of Kavya. Here, the basis of all this is this typical Vikyavinyasa, i.c., the Carutva of Subda and Artha that give shape to it. Here, the pratibha of the poet extracts greater, varied and charming Artha Irom Sabda and Artha of Kavya, at his own sweet will. Bilhana earnestly requests a poet.--
साहित्यपाथोनिधिमन्थनोत्थं कर्णामृतं रक्षत हे कवीन्द्रोः ।
This type of carnest request is to be found even in this depiction of the richness of Väkyavinyāsa. This brings NPS near to this view of Sabda and Artha when used in Kavya
अपि वागधिपस्य दुर्वचं वचनं तद्विदधीत विस्मयम् ।
And when this capacity to give birth to Vismaya is there, it is also true that