MARCH, 1881.]
93); he uses words in me and compound words that may be due to him, I may state that in generally in the singular; he employs a instead order to show the working of the difficult rule of विभाषा or अन्यतरस्याम् ' and in general he sub- | स्पर्धे परम् (= P. I, 4, 2विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम), he stitutes shorter words for longer ones, vt for employs some terms in the masculine and others aire (P. I, 4, 79), for TFT (TOT = P. III, in the neuter, and lays down the rule that where 3, 138, TEHETS), it for a (P. IV, 2, 4), two terms would seem to be simultaneously नृ for मनुष्य, भ for नक्षत्र, रौति for ब्याहराति (P. IV,3,
applicable, the neuter term must give way to 51), सक्लेश for परिक्तिश्यमान (P. III, 4, 55) ete.
one of different gender. 6: i.e. guru) in this But the most effective means which he employs
manner supersedes fe (i.e. laghu), 4: supersedes to attain his object is the formation or, in some
164, T: (ie. dtmanepada) supersedes 44 (i.e. cases, the adoption, of a large number of short parasmaipada), etc. By means of this device technical terms, which are collected in the fol- the author has been enabled to embody in the lowing list :
text of his Satras much of what we are taught in 9 = hrasva, # = dirgha, 9 - plutao ; e = laghu,
the Vârttikas on P. I, 4, 1. (See Mahâbhâshya, 5guru; TI = guna, tq - vriddhi, z = vriddha; vol. I, p. 301.) = pragrihya, = anunásika, = savarna, the
The Vârttikas are the source of another in
novation which is of no mean importance to sani yoga, = samprasárana. = prátipadika, 3 = pratyaya, = taddhita,
us because it will help us to settle the question
of the authorship of the Jainendram. The 4 = keritya, f = tadrája, = nishtha, T = anga,
3rd Åhnika of Adhy. I, Pada 2, of the Maha= sarvanamasthána.
bhåshya treats of the so-called Ekasesha-rules F = samása, tatpurusha, 4 - karmadharaya,
of Pånini's grammar (1, 2, 64-73) and the main r = dvigu, T = bahuvrihi, T = avyayfbhávu, g=ut
result of a long and sometimes difficult distarapadt, 7 = u pasarjana.
cussion is this that Pâņini might have saved v dhátu, p = akarmako dhatuh, T-sárvadhd
himself the trouble of giving his rules, because tuka, apt - Ardhadhatuka, 4 = parasmaipada,
it lies in the nature of words that e.g. the one = átmanepada, 7 = abhydsa, abhyasta, h =
bage te should denote two or more Ramas just ekavachana, Rs = dvivachana, as - bahuvachana,
as it denotes one Rama (Mahâbh, vol. I, p. 242 BTC uttama, yshc=madhyama,aray - prathama,
a i...... Fra). This doctrine the author f = bhávakarman.
of the Jainendram accepts; he omits all the fe=avyaya, f = nipóta, f = upasarga, fa=gati.
rules on Ekasesha, and to defend the course =lopa, 34 = luk, =slu, 31 = lup; T =
he has adopted he lays down the maximsasijná, =shash, = nadi, alg = upapada, f = ám redita, Tq = napunsaka.
1,1, 99 FTIFIC TUTTEFETTAT: To obtain short names for the case-termina- (The rules on) Ekaśesha I do not give. tions the compiler ingeniously forms the term fa- because it is the nature of words) to denote
for termination' generally and tells us that we (two or more objects as well as one).' must add the vowal a to the several consonants
Hence it is that the Jainendra-grammar is of this word, and the consonant to its vowels the 31 AUTE just as Pâņini's grammar in order to arrive at ar prathama, dvitiyd, is the rest T'
T = tritiya, atq=chaturthi; T = panchami, a = The names of the grammatical authorities shashthi, $a = saptamí. To complete the list, he mentioned by Pâņini are invariably omitted in substitutes it for amantrita, and for sam
the Jainendram, the role for which an authority buddhi.
is quoted by Påņini being simply made optional. I have not considered it necessary to indicate To make up for this, the compiler quotes six the gender of the terms enumerated in this authorities of his own, Sridatta, Yaśobhadra, list, bat not to deprive the author of any credit Bhútibali, Prabhachandra, Siddhasena, and
*aag: 914 = P. I, 1, 27 watt
art=P. II, 3, 59 14. • ATT SE 614: "See e.g. Klik-vritti on P. II, 4, 21
* T, and Padamanjart qafro
- Reneftya,
at 44TH. See P. 1, 2, 67. e.g. maat = P. I, 1, 16 fiyat fare.
The longer recension omits Yako bhadra, bat adds Eke, Kechit, and Anyesham.