(June, 1881.
ed what they had done to Chinghiz, he said to We read in the Yuan ch'ao-pi-shi that in the them, "If you had brought him to me, I would year of the dog," in the autumn, Chinghiz certainly have killed you. You have done well Khâ n fought in the district of Dalannimorgesi in setting him free;" and he thereupon rewarded against the four hordes of Tartars, that is, the Nayaa.. This incident is a curious proof of the Chaan Tartars and others. Before the battle rigid loyalty which was inculcated by the Mongol he issued an order to his army, instructing polity. It does not stand alone, but other cases them in case of victory not to run after the are known in which traitors to their masters, plunder, which should be divided fairly, and instead of being rewarded, were immediately that, if driven back to their old quarters, they punished even when the treachery was incited must take fresh heart and make a new attack. by the Mongol chief himself. This feature was in Those who shrank behind and did not again marked contrast with the easy allegiance of the advance were to be decapitated. The Tartars tribes of Central Asia and Persia generally, were duly beaten, and Chinghiz and his among whom treachery was an every-day form peoplo advanced to the river Ulkhui to the place of tactics.
Shilugiljit, and took all the auls, i.e. the camps The campaign against the Taijnt, described of the Four Hordes. In the beginning of the in such detail in the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi as above, battle Altan and others in defiance of the is only referred to in a very short paragraph orders of Chinghiz began to plunder, whereof the Yuan-shi, where we read that Chinghiz upon Chinghiz ordered Jebe and Khu bilai Khả n, in alliance with Wang Khân, defeated to take the booty they had secured from them." Hang-hu or Khankhu, as the name is written by | In the Yuan-shi the opponents of Chinghiz are Hyacinthe, on the river Onon, and captured a called Angtsi and Chagan Tartars, Chagan great number of men." Rashido'd-din has more meaning white. Hyacinthe gives the name of details. He tells us that Chinghiz and his the place where the struggle took place as friend and patron, Wang Khân, met together Urkhu Saltsa gol. Palladius, who is a much in a kuriltai at Sari Keber in the year of the better authority, reads it from the same authority monkey (596 A.H., 1200 A.D.) and concerted as the springs of the river Khalkha, which & campaign against the Taijut. The latter, he falls into Lake Bayar," which was as we know says, were assembled on the Onon, with their in the Tartar country. chiefs Angkhu Uguju, (meaning, according to The two Tartar tribes attacked on this occaRashid, the very hot-tempered) Koril, Tarkhutai sion were called Anchi, (or as Erdmann reads Kiriltuk and Khudadar, together with a con- it Alji,) and Chagan by Rashidu'd-din, who says tingent of Merkis, who had been sent by their there were four other divisions of the race called chief, Tuktai, under the command of his brothers
respectively Tatukalait Kiuin," Nereit," and Khudu and Orchinga. The two allies allowed
Bargui." There was another section of Tartars them short respite. They marched against them in the Inshan mountains, who were otherwise ind defeated them. They pursued Tarkhutai known as Ongut, to whom we shall refer preKiriltuk and Khududar as far as Engut Turas,
sently. where they killed them both. Angkha and the
Let us now return to the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi. #wo brothers of Tuktai found shelter in Bar
We there read that having subdued the four yujin. Koril perished among the Naimans." Tartar hordes, Chinghiz secretly consulted with This campaign was an importantone. It virtual
his people, and urged that since the Tartars had ly settled the allegiance of the various tribes of learned his revence he trachannel
earned his revenge by treacherously betraying purely Mongol race. In future the struggles of his ancestors, it was a suitable occasion on Chinghiz Khan were almost entirely with which to kill all their males who were foreign tribes. We must now go on with our story. higher than an axle tree," and to divide and
as wm-ch'ao-pi-shi, pp. 74 and 75. Gi Douglas. p. 25; Hyacinthe, p. 18. 6 Called Khadua ard Rejaneg by Erdmann.
* Called Elenkut Turash by D'Obsson and Lengat Nuranen by Erdmann.
G: Bereziao, rp. 118 and 119; Erdmans, p. 375; D'Obsaon, tom. 1, pp. 59 and 60.. or i.e. in 1202.
Yuan-ch'ao-pi-54, p. 77.
10 Op. cit., p. 21. " Op. cit., note 250. 18 Written Kugin by D'Ohsson ; Guisin by Erdmann. 13 Written Terat by D'Ohsson and Nezait by Erdmann.
** Written Berkui by D'Ohsson ; Yerkhui by Erdmann. Berezide, vol. I. p. 51; Erdmann, p. 179; D'Ohsson, vol. I, p. 494.
Palladius illustrates this by a corresponding order issued by the Kin general, who at the siege of Sunchai in 1140