To fall Ardanadu To draw Såganada I do not want these I verki náku akkarille To shut Mutstsanadu To buy Asanadu I sticks. To rub Rasanadu To exchange MArtsanadu I will go to work after Nanna gode tittapayya To plough Udadanadu To worship Matkanadu eating my food. paniki daitâna. To cut Koyadanadu To mount Tarranadu He does not like bathing. Een anndanandi ondili To squeeze Piranadu To cross Datanadu
ishtamille To tie Tohidanada To weave Allanadu
This is not my work. Indu na pani ayyo.
He said that if he went Manatðţivatku kali ADVERBS, &c.
with us I will give him itaninjore ondu náku Where Begga
Payya wages.
kettôndu. Here Igga How much Betstsa
Although much rain has Vana bága vatkukanaThere Agga Thus much Atsu
fallen we cannot koni uddaloda. When Beppôde Very Båna
plough. At intervals Aste aste
Because you have done i lane nanini tungatku
thus to me I will beatninini tannitina. + SENTENCES.
In the way he spoke to Ondu hela taritonda allThere 18 not Ille It is not Ayyo
me in that I answered gane oniki zavábu itThere are not Illoru They are not Ayyora
täna. I ploughed this field. Nanna f chênu odtenu.
He helped me to walk. Having taken ten cows Nanna onagga padi god.
Nanna naddanattu safrom him I gave him ku tisimandi vantki
hayamu tungatondu.
We cannot take the Viru tette bandi dum. this ground instead. badala i nêla ittâna.
bandy which they If you come again I will Nimma malli vadanatku
brought. talk to you. nitoți kirigitána.
The child which my Na anna porţite pilla If you sell that which Nimma tastedånini am
elder brother brought you have bought you utku niki ekkuva på
up is dead. will gain a great deal. lurálaite. The ground which you Miru udte néli manchi
The man who is going Vindu sahayamutun. ploughed is not good dayyo.
to assist is my younger gana manushundu na When that cow comes Ågoddu malli vadanaske
tammudu. again, seize it. dinini poyumu.
The road which you Mtru vatte arrikalku I will not do the work Ondu ketti pani nanna
came is a rough one. båta minna. which he told me. tungônu.
We became well after A mattu uttupayya båga You may give these torn Buyangite guddangu
drinking that medi- partôma. clothes to poor people. bidoriki idavala.
cine. If you are put in prison Ninini khaidini vattku The house which I built Nanna tuhante lônu who will release you ? vidipintsanondru be- is burnt.
Vegette. nôndo?
Who are those who came. Vattöra benôru. No one can do it except- Oniniki tappa inka beno- Behold, the cat has re- Oro verkadi malli vatte. ing him. ru tungalôra.
turned. If you ascend that hill Å metta tetarku betsteu
Which is that which Miru itadu vôdu P how far can you see P duramı uđitfri.
you gave
. Having collected these I rdliatte Akängu kuppa
What is the work which Ondu tungite pani fallen leaves burn them. vati podisivata.
he did P
batadi? Where'is he going? Begga anjóriminnondu P
If you look at this it Idi udktuku b&ga manda Who are here P
l gga benôru mantôru ? By what road did you Bêni arri miru igga
would be well
porubônu. come.P vattirip
These were blown away Ivvu galtiki todittavu. There is no one there. Agga benôru illoru
by the wind. When did that horse Å' gurramu beppode As I was coming home Nanna lônu varaporu come P vatte.
a tiger fell upon me, nannanga poru duvva I have just obtained it. Injana naki dorikite. and bit me severely. arasinanine båga It rains at intervals. Vana aste aste vaporu.
kachchite. minde.
Do you want an iron Niku inupa pette kávale I will never do that work. Beppodtiki & pani tun box or a wooden one
P ille måra pette kávale ! gôna. Any will suit.
Bedatkana sare.