Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 10
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 406
________________ 358 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1881. called Tiemian keer, and he at once took porters in order one after another must take counsel with his companions. Many of them charge of the doors, and in the morning when hot said “Our horses are exhausted, what is to be water is brought, ** let each one go to the camp done P" But his brother Otchigin replied “Why and commence his duty. Each one's turn is do you wish to excuse yourselves with the plea for three days." Each millenarian, centurian, that your horses are exhausted ; 'I have horses Jerbi, etc. had his proper post assigned to him. that are still in condition." How can we be Chinghiz now in the year of the mouse, i.e. 1204, quiet after hearing such words ? His other in the 4th moon and on the 16th day made a brother Belgatei also urged that life would not sacrifice to his standards and wert to war be worth living if they were deprived of their against the Naimans. Palladins says this sabows and arrows and that brave men died with crificing to the standards is a custom still pretheir weapons. Although the Naimans were vailing in China when a special prayer is recited inflated by the size of their country and the by the commander." This practice of sacrificing number of their men, he urged that it would to the standards seems to have been practised not be difficult to rob them of their bows and by the Mongols in their invasion of Europe. arrows, and that if attacked they would Thus we are told by Miechof that at the battle abandon their herds of horses, their dwellings of Wahlstadt, when a large number of the would become empty and their people would Tartars had fallen or fled, one of their standardfly to the mountains and forests. He therefore bearers appeared with a standard having on it urged an advance. Chinghiz approved of two cross pieces in the form of the Greek Belgutei's counsel. Returning from the hunt letter Khi (X), above which was a head of he passed through Abchikhakoterge to the horrid aspect and black colour having a long river Khalkha, and halted at Keltegaikhada, beard. This head was violently shaken while near Ornau. There he mustered his army incantations were sung, whereupon a smoke or and nominated commanders of 10, 100, and vapour with a horrible stench proceeded from it 1,000 men. He appointed six Jerbis—the and deprived the Poles of the power to resist." meaning of which, says Palladius, is not ex- The Yuan-shi calls the place where Chingbiz plained, but they were probably some head consulted his people, Temege-gol, i.e. the officials of the household. He also appointed river Temege, and tells us the majority of them 80 men for the night watch, ard 70 men called counselled delay on the ground that the spring Sanbans as body-guards. These watch guards was only just commencing and the horses had were picked young men, active and big, chosen not recovered from the hardships of the winter, from the houses of the millenarians and and urged that they should postpone the centurians. Arkhaikhasar was ordered to levy campaign till the autumn. It also reports the 1,000 brave men and to take command of them. speeches of Ochigin and Belgutei," and says They were to act as an advance-guard in battle that, having decided to follow their advice, and as watch-guards in time of peace. Ogeli- Chinghiz moved his camp to Mount Chindakhin, cherbi and Khudusikhalchan were nominated and gave the command of the advance-guard to commanders of the 70 Sanbans. Chinghiz now Khubiri and Jebe or Chepe. Mr. Douglas calls addressed his men saying, "Archer Sanbans, the former Khubilai, Chinghiz Khan's grandbody-guards, masters of the feast, and door-|| son, but that chief was not then born, and the one keepers ; in the day-time you must be at your here mentioned was another Khubilai, known several posts. After sunset when your duties are as Khu bilaiN oyan. De Mailla's authority over, and when you have handed over your work makes Ochigin urge that if their own horses to the night-guards, you must sleep inside. After were then thin, so must those of the Naimana be, they have fed the horses and seen to them, the and it tells us that when Chinghiz Khân had night-watch must perambulate the camp. The made up his mind to advance, he sent to ask 30 i, e, the plain of Tiemian. 31 Query the place which gave their name to the Urunaut or Ornaut. 31 The name, Palladius saye, is Chinese. 3) It is a Chinese custom to wash the face with hot water, and this means "when Chinghis rises from his bed." --Palladius, note 373. 14 Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi, pp. 101-103 and notes 362-373. ** Miechof, De Sarmatia, tom. I, ch. 3, in Grinsei Orcis novus, pp. 451-453, quoted by Wolff, Gesch. der Mong. pp. 185 and 188.. Hyacinthe, pp. 31 and 32 ; Douglas, pp. 44 and 45. 31 Hyacinthe, loc. cit.


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