Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 10
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications
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............. 212
emblems, on seals of grants... 243, Garudas .......
244, 250n, 277, 279 Gaubil, M. ............. 115, 135 Ganda inscription .............. 157 on stone tablets 64, 127, Gaudavaha ......................
44 Guppadugga, v. ................. 166 131, 165, 169, 185, 249 Gautama Buddha .............. 370 Guptas. 125, 214n, 215-19, 221, 227 'EvoriKTOVUS, ekagarbhas .......319n Gautama Smriti.................. 295 Guptasya kdla .................... 126 equinox............................ 244 Gautamiputra, k. .............. Gurjara, co.....
160 Erâpata, Airivata råja ... 258, 259 Gavrani beggars...... ......... 72 Gurkhan, title............... Ereve ............... .................. 104 Gaya, t. ............................341n
Gurkhan of Kara Kitai ...... Ereya, d.............................. 166 | inscription of 1813 An. Gushana=Kopayo ............ Exorcism of Village Ghosts... 288 Nirvana
............ 3411
Guthrie, Col. S.... ........ . 54 Gezulapalle
Gymnetae .................... Geography of India by G. Fă-chin, Buddhist pilgrim ... 196 Duncan.......................... 56 Hadapadalara-KrishnappanaFadhl, poetess .................. 184 Ghatakanchuki ceremony... 287 yaka ............ Fa-hian ......................... 193, 319 Ghazni ........................... 21 Haidarab&d plates ............. Fairy Queen ..................... 94 Gipsies, origin of .............. 50 Haihayas .............
8 :** ********... ......... Fausböll's Sutta Nipáta. 372, 373 giraffe or cammelopardalis ... 322 Hajj, Muhammadan ........... Fazl Shah .......................... 374 Girivili, v. ....................... 286 Hakas ................................ 14 Fergusson's Tree and Ser. Girnar inscrip. ...... 105, 108, 126 hala, l. m............................... 159
pent Worship ............. 54, 56 Gobardhan, a name ............. 333 hana, pana ..................188, 255n Firdausi ..........
Gôdå vari District plates ...... 244 handola, swingcradle............ 349n Firoz Shah ........................ Godhra. ............... 161
Hantu Puntianak, g.............. 365 flasks..................
4 Godhrahaka, V................160, 278 Hanumin..................... 129, 254 Folklore ......... 190, 288, 366f, 370 godhrahakétya ......................159
..159 Hanumanta, g. ..................... 62 Folklore in the Panjab
Gôga-Narayaņa,- Vishnu, g. 159. Hânungal, t. .................249, 254 Sir Bumble ................... 40
161 Hara, -Siva, g.
................... 129 Princess Pepperina ...... 80 Gol, ca............
245 Haradatta ........................ 296 The son of Seven Mothers 147 hers 147 gold in India
315 Haralukôte inscription ....... 36 Prince Lionheart and his Gond.................................. 9 Harasata inscription............218n
three friends .......... 228 Gonda people .................... 321 Harshavardhana, k. of SamaOpprobrious Names ...... 331 Gondophares, k. .........
tata .............................. 196 - The Wonderful Ring. ... 347 Gopala, k......
Hari, -Vishnu, g. ................. 254 Folklore Parallels ......... 190, 370 Gôpêśwar in Garhwal, inscr... Harihara I. (Vi.) ...........62, 63 forged copper-plate grants.277, 282 gósane ........
Harikësari (Kad. of Ban. fountain of red water ......309, 313 Gôsåvis..............................
146 Hang.) .......................... 249 Frôbak ............................... 124 Götami .......... .....****..
293 Hariyappavodeya, -Harihara Fu-nan (Cambodia) ........... 197 gótra, Harita
66 I. (Vi.) .........................62, 63 , Kasyapa ....................
254 Harlez' Origines du Zoro. Gadh Hinglêz..................... 245
, Kausika ................... 286 astrisme ................. 274f, 370f gadimba .......................... 129 gotrachar ........................... Hashim Shah ..................... 371 gadyana ..........
188 Govindagaņi's Karmastavatid 101 Hazrat Ali ........................ 153-4 Gaïtès, Gaitres, riv. ............ 305 Gôvind-Reddipalle, v. Galela, d................
243 grámakuta ........................ 284 Hêkataiss of Miletos ............ 296 Galitapradípa ............... griffins, gryphon...... 300, 308, 318 Hellanikos ........................ 314 gana ............................ .....189n Growse's Mathura Memoir ... 96 Hêmachandra's Dvyakrayako. Ganaratnamahodadhi ......... gudda .... ...... ...............189n
sha......... 46 gandhakut, temple... 343 & n, 344 guddd, effigy ................
AnekdrthaGandhârasanda temple ...... 110 guddadhvaja.....
sangraha 100 gandharta ... 166 Gudrahára, d....
SabdanuidGanga, r. ..................... 131, 285 Gugga Guru .................
sanavritti. 101 Gangas........ ....... ****
Guhasena (Va.) ............... 285 Hêmacharya's Bhandar ...... 44 Gångas..............................
243 Gujarat ......
Herjjuggi, Hejjuggi, fullmoon 254 Gångêyavamsa era........... 243 Galgånpode (Maisur) inscrip- Hêsigonos ...................... Ganjam plates..................... tions ...
Himadri, mt. ..................... 131 Ganthichôr, ca. ............. 245 Gumache Tepê................. 20, 21 Himalaya, mt.. .................. 285 Gardabhilla ...
222 Guna-cuarita Temple ......... 110 Himavân, mt. ...............253, 254 321 Gunapala's ķishidattacharita. 100 Hidugadêsa...................222-3
105 345

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