Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 10
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Buirukh ............172-74, 208, 209 Bundahish ........................ 123 Buraju Bakhadur ................ 114 Buriat tr. ........................19, 20 Burnell's Tanjore Catalogue... 23 Burto .................................. 15-17 Burut tr, ............................. 13
.. 138
Calcutta Review ................. 124 Camelopardalis or giraffe ...... 322 castes of the Tamils ............ 85€ Ceylon ..........................87, Chachentu-ul, battle of......... 334 Chakrapålita ..................... 222 Chakravada, t. .................. 344 chakwi .............................. 82 challa............................ 344-346 L Chalukya kingdom ........... 110 Chalukya temple at Nalanda. 110 Chalukyabharana... 127, 129, 186,
251 Chalukyas, Early ............... 57
Eastern ............ 244 Western...58, 102, 132,
162ff, 244 Chalukyas, ...126, 131, 185,
Bhushana (Chhin.) ........... 345 Bhatanátha, g. ...................62, 63 Bhuvanaikamalla, - Sômês.
vara II. (W. Chal.) ......127, 129 Bijapur inscription ............ 126 Bijjanahalli, v................127, 131 Bimbisåra, k. ..................... binnapadin........................
59 binnapari-geydu.................... 127 Birbal, story of, and Akbar... bird-dung poison ............... 310 bird marriage ..................... 333 Birdwood's Industrial Arts ... 273 Birysiwi Bohorås................. 70 blood covenant ................... 269 Bôdhidharma, Bud. pilgrim... Bodhisattvas ....................... 346 bodho tree.........
............ 256 bodies of Buddha ............... 193 Bohoris ..................... .. Bombay beggars and criers ... 71f,
145f, 2861 Bombay Gazetteer ............... 155 bowl of jade........................ Brahina, g. .....................61, 189 brahmachárin .................... 284 brahmaddya...... Brahmadatta, k. of Banaras. . 370 Brahmani duck ................... Brahmayajña ceremonies...... 340 Bțihnapati ..............
129 Brinjârâs ......
53 Brunei, Borneo Buddha ...24, 185-89, 273, 343, 344
, as monkey king ...... 120 Buddhagaya .............194, 195, 346 Buddhagaya Chinese inscrip
tions ..................193, 339, 346 Buddhaghôsha..................... 153 Buddhagupta ...............219, 220 Buddhas ........
............... 344 Buddha's Nirvana, date of ...341f buddhavarman...................... 37 Buddhism
......... 273 Buddhist chronology............ 153
coins .................... 274 inscription at Dam.
ba! ............. 185, 273 inscription at Gay&. 341 pilgrims to India ...192f,
246f , sculpture ............ Budlondes ....... Budu the Dorbê............ 113 Buduantear ......
114 Bühler's Sacred Laws of the Aryas
Chatta, Chattaya, Chattuga, | (Kad.of Ban,and Hâng.)240, 253 Châttâbrahma chaturanga ..................... 119 chaturdasavidy................ chaturdeseya-ciérama............ chaturvedin .................... chaturvidya ...
.81 Chaulukyas ......... chauska
............318n chaushashtiyogapitha ......... 187 Châvunda II. (Sin.) ............ 109 Châvundariya, KadoBan.
and Hing) ..................... Chelini ................ ............ 15 Chêra grants ..... .*** chótís, female servants belong.
ing to a temple ...........311 &n Chhabuả tank, inscribed Jain
images found at ............... 158 Chhindas ............................344f chhathipilna .................... 3+ Chidambaram ...................... 51 Chi-I, Buddhist priest ......... 193 Chikka Jala, Maisûr ............. 2, 4 Chimara Mt. .................. 307-8 China temple at Nalandit...... 110 Chinese books in the British
Museum......... 373, 37+ inscriptions at Bud.
dhagaya ..........193, 339 » pilgrims to India ...109f,
192, 245f , translations from San.
skpit .................. 121 Chintadêva, Bud. pilgrim...... 248 Chingliz Khan and his Ances. tors ... 121, 111f, 135f, 1718, 2021,
231f, 261, 333, 335f Chingliz Khân...12, 13, 20, 115-17,
133-13, c. Chipitanasika people ......... 32 In chiri, Malaya formula ......... 95 Chi'sze, Bud. pil. ............... 196 Chittavarmi, Bud. pil. ......217-18 Chittür, N. Arkat ............... 100 chitwpada............................ 119 Cholas, Cholas ............ 131, 27 Chulanatha Nayakar .......... 365 Chokideva or Jokideva (Kid.
of Ban. and Hâng........2419, 253 Chois............................ 134, 272 Chonylux-sitra................... 87 Chorfisi-khamba .................. 34 Chronology of Buddhism ...... 153 Chu-fa-lan, writer ................. churól, female ghost ........229n
***.... 254
Chalukya-Vikramavarsha 188, 254 Chamaraja .......................... 63 Châmbhârgânv, Satwaï of ... 72 Champa, Siam ...............196, 197 Chamukha, 16, 17, 111, 112, 114,
117, 136-39, 171-75, 202, 204-6, 209, 234-38, 264, 334, 335, 356,
359-61 Chamunda (Chaul.) ............ 162 chamapa, o.................... Chanda Sahib .................... Chandala ........................... Chandrabhatti .................. Chandradôva, Bud. pilgrim ... 247 Chandraditya (W. Chal.) ...... Chandragupta Maurya. ...213, 226,
227 Chandramayyas .................. 105 Chandrayan-bagilu ............ Chang-ch'un, a Taoist ... 117, 362 Channa Bodhisattwa............ Chapar, the Ghebr.............. Chápótkatas........................... 46 Charanavyiha...................... Charitavarma, Bud. pilgrim... 248 charu ............................... 286 Chårvå kas ........................... 143 Chashtana, (Ksh.)...157, 221, 224,
226 and n, 227
.. 287

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