Avgust, 1881.]
uncle at some ragged gorges in the mountain quence of these good offices, become anda. The south of the river Orghun. The Huang-yuan Huang-yuan concludes with the phrase, "This tells the story in greater detail, agreeing largely is the first service," and then goes on : "Oh father with Rashid-u'd-din. It calls the envoy Alikhai. Wang Khân, at that time you were as it Rashid calls him the Irderken Argai or Arti Jiun.'' were buried in clouds, you stood as it were on The Huang-yuan makes hinghiz tell Wang a sunless place. Your brother Jaagano was Khân that he was then encamped round about living on the Chinese frontier. I shouted with lake Dungei, where the grass was abundantand the my loud voice, lifted my cap with my hand, and horses were fat. It then makes him go on to remind called him from afar off. As soon as he heard him how his uncle Guilui-kekhan, i.e. Gur my voice, as soon as he saw my signal, he Kakhan had written to complain that he, Wang came to me. I watched him from the top of Khân, had mounted the throne on the death of his a mountain, and awaited him standing at my father Kurjakhus Beiluki-khan and displaced tent. When he arrived he was oppressed by himself, and how when he had killed Taitimur the three Merkis. As he came from afar off, and Bukhuatimdt and pretended he did not could I wish his death ?? I sent my elder brother know where they had disappeared to, and that Sechibegi and my younger brother Dachiu who in consequence Guiluike-khan had attacked set out to punish them. This is my second and driven him into the defiles of Khalaan." service." Rashidu'd-din reports the story in the (Rashidu'd-din says he attacked him in his chief same way, and no doubt from the same source. camp at Karaun Kipchal or Karaun Kipchak," Dachia he calls Taiju Khori. China he calls i. e. "the black forest" on the Tura). The Jabkut or Jaukhut." The Huang-yuan proceeds: Hwang-yuan goes on to say how, in his "O father Wang Khân, when you came forth distress, when Wang Khân with but 100 men from the clouds and stood on a sunlit place and repaired to his father' uncertain about the aid of appealed to me, you were hungry only until the Daichi Udarnan and Bakhaji (the Udur | midday, and were thin only until the full moon. Noyan and Bagachi of Rashidu'd-din), his How was this? I fought with the tribe Uduios father set out by way of Khalabu-khuachuga" west of the mountain Khadin-khi in the place and crossed the mountain Abujabukhnageu.86 Munuyuli and obtained much cattle and many Then he ascended the Tulitan-tulin-gu, and Tsian- loads of booty, all of which I gave to you. This sutan-lin-gu, the pass of Kuikun, and lako Kui- is why you did not hunger after midday and were siaor called respectively Tulatan, Tulanguti, or
not thin after the new moon. This is my as Berezine reads the name, Khulanan Tulangutu, third service." Khabchal and Kushaur-nor by Rashid-u'd-dîn." Rashidu'd-din makes Chinghiz compare After undergoing great hardships Y essug ei his friend's arrival to the sun bursting from at last reached his destination, brought the behind clouds and to the awakening of embers district to extremity and compelled Guilui that are dying out. Berezine in his translaKhan to withdraw to Talasu." Thence he was tion calls the place where the battle with the again driver, and with only a few followers Merkis took place Berezobie Kholm behind was compelled to seek refuge in Khesi, whence Murijak Moal. Erdmann reads it Beshmeh he did not return again." Rashida'd-din Fatilikh, behind Mari-jakh-sul. D'Ohsson says he fled wounded with but 20 or 30 followers says merely at Murichak Mual." The Huangto Khashin. The two accounts describe how yuan continues :-"Father Wang Khan, when Yessu gei and Wang Khân had, in conse- you fought with the Meliki" on the river Bnla ** Gaubil, op. cit., p. 8, note 1.
mann, and Kurban Belassut by D'Ohason) of Rashidu'd19 Berezine, vol. II, p. 135, Erdmann, p. 289.
din who calls it the Gur Khan's residence. 80 Referring to the law of succession among the nomades 89 Huang-yuan, p. 170. by which brother succeeds brother.
* Khesi or Khashin are both corruptions of Hosi, the #1 Op. cit., p. 170.
Chinese name for Tangut. ** Berezine, vol. II, p. 135; Erdmann, p. 289.
91 i.e. Jakembo. 3 i. e. to Yessugei.
" It must be remembered that Jakembo had rebelled & Berezine, vol. II, p. 135; Erdmann reads the names against Wang Khan. Durfuyan and Bukhashi.
03 Id., pp. 170 and 171. # The Kharabuga of Rashid.
Berezine, p. 136; Erdmann, p. 290. * The name is represented in the MSS. of Rashidu'd- os i. e. The Merkit tribe so called. din by a lacuna ; Berezine, vol. II, p. 135.
9o Berezine, vol. II, pp. 136 and 187; Erdmann, p. 290 ; 67 Berezine, vol. II, p. 133; Erdmann, p. 290.
D'Ohsson, vol. I, pp. 74 and 75. . The Gurben Telagat (read Khurian-telasut by Erd i . e. the Merkit.