JUNE, 1881.)
Transcription. ['] Bharata-nata-vachana-rachana-virachita-natu(ta)-sêvya[*] simgha(ha)-nádena para-nata-madandha-hasti parihîna-mado C/ bhavatyva 1* Nata-sêvya-Bharata-mata-yuta-patuta[*] ra-vachan-aśani-prapâtêna
kutil-Ônnata-nata-saila[1] (') spu(sphu)ţit-anata-mastakah-patati 1* Achalada [ll] Translation.
position to No. CII., above, viz. on the front face The elephant, blind with rat, which is an of the front pillar in the left or south side of actor of another school, is deprived of his frenzy the east porch. The writing covers a space of hy the lion's roar of the rules) that are to be 1' 10' high by 2 3' broad. A facsimile," preobserved of actors, framed in accordance with pared under my own superintendence from the the arrangement of the celebrated sentences of | estampage made by Mr. Burgess, is published Bharata. The mountain, which is an insincere herewith. or proud actor, falls down, having its summit | It is another Old-Canarese inscription of (which is the astor's head) broken open and Vikramaditya II., and records the grant, bowed down by the thunderbolt, which is a most to the temple of Lôkêsvara, of the district called skilful composition imbued with the opinions of the Nareyatigal Fifty, and of a contribution of Bharata, which are worthy to be followed by grain. This Nareyatgal is in all probability actors. Achalada.
the modern Narêgal in the Dharwad District, No. cv.
about twenty-five miles almost due south of This inscription is in the corresponding Pattadakal.
Transcription. 1'] Svasti
Vikkra(kra)maditya-prithu(thi)vivallabha-Lôkamahîdêvi["] yara Lokêśvarada Naregamalla
pannåsa[*] galân=itta samayam=or-mmattarge
ir-kkula [] jolain kuduvudu [ll] Tagapp=illa gôsane illa ('] rája-purusharge pugil-illa [ll] Ida(da)n=alido[no] påLo] rvvan=akke mada-vådi akke Bâraņa (na)sivada" såsira kavileyam kondon=akkum [HR] Translation.
pillars on the south side in the same porch Hail! At the time of giving the Nareyangal there is the following short inscription," in the Fifty, (which was the grant) of the temple of Old-Canarese language, and in characters of the Lokêsvara of Loka mah & devi (the queen) eighth or ninth century A.D. It seems to of Vikramaditya, the favourite of the record the names of two visitors to the temple. world,-(it was settled that) people will give
Transcription. two kulas" of millet on (each) one mattar (of ('] Svasti Sri-Sakarůsivadiga. land). There is no peremptory demand ;** Il la pâda Dhůli Lokośvarada there is no obligation of) presenting cattle ;30 r'] mél-gandu geydon (11) Aditya there is no right of perquisites (allowed) to [*] Sri-Hadadeya-patran (18] the king's servants.
Translation. (L. 5.)-May he, who destroys this, --whe- Hail! Dhůli, (the disciple at) the foot of Śrtther he be a Brahman, or whether he be a Sakarésivadi, saw the excellence of the temple heretic,-be as one who kills a thousand tawny of Lokośvara. Aditya, the son of Sri Hadadova. coloured cows of Baranasi.
No. CVII. No. CVI.
On one of the front pillars in the north porch On the north or inver face of one of the of the same temple of Lökiśvara or Virupaksba,
* Id., No. 57.
10 The occurrence of this Prekrit word pannas, fifty, in an Old-Cana rese inscription of this dute, i. worthy of note. We have had it in a still earlier inscription,-No. XXVIII., 1. 39. at vol. VI., p. 77.
» These two letters, vadu, are a mistako of the engraver for ya.
* Kui is the same as kolaga. 6. e. sixteen pailis or sixty-four seers.
* Togruppu is evidently the old forin of tirguvu, 'per. emptory demand for payment.'
30 Gosene scems to be a corruption of the Vedic gósland gasani, 'acquirieg or prescuting with cattle.'
3. Pugilu is the equivalent of the Ilindustini phaski, 'a claim to perquisites.
32 P., S., and 0-C., Inscriptions, No. 61.