MAY, 1881.]
Yuan-shi declares on the contrary that Chamukha he first filled a cap or leathern bag of mare's was completely overthrown." De Mailla tells us milk for Khoilun (i.e. for his own mother), for that in the fight Parchi (i.e. Boghorji) dismount- Khazar (i.e. his brother), and for Sachabiki," ed, and having made a girdle of the balter of then another for Ebegai, the young wife of his horse, almost emptied his quiver, and re- Sachabiki. Thereupon the grand ladies Khoceived a shower of weapons from the enemy lichin and Khuurchin (evidently piqued at what without abandoning the foremost post which they considered some slight) remarked, Why had been assigned to him. Temujin praised his was not milk sent to us before? They therevalour after he had gained the battle. Rashidu'd. fore set upon Shikiur (who was the manager din also says the victory was won by Chin- of the feast), and beat him till he bled. The latghiz Khan, and assigns to him the boiling of ter said " Yessugei Baatur and Nikuntaishi (i.e. the prisoners. So does the Huang-yuan, which the father and uncle of Chinghiz Khin) are dead. makes the Mongols eat as well as boil the captives. This is why they beat me." To understand It is not easy to decide between these varying this it must be remembered that the two ladies authorities, but in this case it would appear who felt themselves aggrieved were apparently as if the copy of the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi con- the step-mothers of Chinghiz Khân, and sulted by Palladius was a faulty one. At all that Khuurchin was the widow of Khatuktuevents it is strange that directly after the strug- Jurki, the only son of Ukin Barkhakh, eldest gle we find several tribes detaching themselves son of Kabul Khakan. By hin she had had from Chamukha and joining his rival. two sons Sachabiki and Taichu, who were the Von Hammer compares the boiling of the pri- leaders of the tribe Jurki, and represented a soners on this occasion with the similar boiling senior branch of the house than Chinghiz himself, of the followers of the robber Shaitan Oghli (i.e. to whom, in fact, as we have seen, they surthe Devil's son) by Shah Ismail three hun. rendered the office of Khakan when he adopted dred years later." Mirkhawend, whose authority the title of Chinghiz. Khuurchin was therefore at this period is really of no value, and who has senior to Khoilun. Chinghiz Khan's mother, and a very jejune account of the early period of of course claimed precedence over her own Chinghiz Khan's career, here inserts one of his daughter-in-law Ebegai. favourite sagas :-He tells us that when he In the Yuan-shi only one of the old ladies defeated the Taijut on this occasion Chinghiz hadis mentioned, and she is called Hoo-urh-cha." a wonderful dreain, in which it seemed as if his The Huang-yuan calls her Khurjin Khadun. hands became very long, and that he held a De Mailla calls her Kuactsin, and Rashidu'd-dîn sword in each of them, the two points of which Khahurjin Khatun." Ebegai is called Ibogil by reached out to the farthest East and West. At Hyacinthe, and E-pik-kih-lih by Mr. Douglas, daybreak he told his mother this dream, who said both founded on the Yuan-shi. She is named he would rule over the East and the West, Yebegai in the Huang-yuan; Yepiekai by De and that the traces of his sword would be visible
Mailla and Nemugai by Rashidu'd-din. The in both directions. The Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi says Yuan-shi, the Huang-yuan, De Mailla's authority that on the departure of Chamukha, Chur- and Rashid all call her a step-mother of Chinchudai of the tribe Uruut, and Khuyuildar of the ghiz Khan and not the wife of Sacha Biki. The tribe Mankha, each with his people left him and first of these in describing the feast says Chinjoined Chinghiz. There also went over Muilik ghiz gave it to his kindred, including Sihchin from the tribe Khuankhotan with his seven sons. Taichu and Sih-chin Pih-kiss who came with Chinghiz, greatly rejoicing that he had been banners flying and carts bearing kumis to the joined by so many supporters, gave a feast on the river Onon." De Mailla calls the two Sechinbanks of the river Onon to his relatives. At this puco and Sechin taicheou, and says they were
* Douglas, p. 11.
Op. cit., tom. IX, p. 11. . Erdmann, Temudschin, p. 262; D'Ohsaon, rol. I, p. 45.
"Gesch. der Gold. Horde, p. 60. . Erdmann, Temudechin, p. 52, note.
" .. the grandson of Ukin Barkhakh. Bigui according to Romuaat is like the Turkish titlo Beg or Beh derived from
the Chinese pi a prince. -D'Ohsson I, p. 54, note.
50 Yumn-ch'ao-pi-shi, pp. 64 and 65.
51 This is the transcript of Mr. Dougins (Op. cit., p. 13). Hyacinthe rends it Kholichi (Op. cit., p. 12).
5 Berezine, vol. II, p. 101; Erdmann, Temudschin, p. 266.
53 The latter is written Sechen bozia by Hyacinthe. * Douglas, p. 13.