[MAY, 1881.
Chinghiz Khân's half brothers on the father's ladies Khurrehin and Kholichin prisoners, and side, which is of course a mistake, their father's took them before Chingbiz." In the Yuan-shi it were first cousins. He says the cause of the is similarly said that it was Belgutei's folquarrel was that the portion sent to Kuactsin lowers who fell upon the rival shepherds when was for herself and all her family, while that they saw how their master had been attacked, sent to her rival was for herself alone. Shikiur and that afterwards Sihchin Pihki sued for he calls Siguti." Rashidu'd-din says the feast peace." De Mailla tells the story in a similar was attended among others by Chinghiz Khan's way." Rashidu'd din calls the thief Khataka mother Olan Ekhe by his brothers Juchi Khazar Bai of the tribe Khatakia, and says he was and Utjigin Noyan by his step-mothers, and by page to the Taijut Buru, a friend of Sacha the descendants of Ukin Barkhakh, the eldest son Biki, and that he stole a chestnut stallion." De of Kabul Khakan, and he assigns as the cause Mailla has & paragraph about the Jurki chief of Khahurjin's jealousy that Nemagai was pre- Taichu, Sacha -Biki's brother, which contains sented with a second helping of kumis, while she some statements not mentioned elsewhere. He had only had one offered her. The quarrel jast says he was one of the most powerful princes of described was soon inflamed by another incident. his family on account of the number of his We read in the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi that during the vassals. Inter alios he was joined by a dependent feast Chinghiz Khân ordered his brother of Chinghiz Khan's, called Wei, who went over Belgutei to go and catch some horses, which, to him with his people. Wetar, Wei's younger it seems, were in charge of Bari-boko, the son of brother, tried to dissando him, and when he Khutuktu-Mungur, the son of Kabul Khakan. failed informed Chinghiz. The latter did not He was a chief of the Jarkis, i.e., of the tribe of seem surprised, and merely said "Why bave you Sachabiki. A map belonging to this tribe, not followed the example of your elder brother P" Khadiun, had stolen a bridle, and was arrested Afraid that he was suspected, Wetar took an by Belgatei. Buri-boko, who took his man's arrow, and broke it, expressing a wish that he part, struck the latter, and wounded him on the might be treated the same way if he should shoulder. Belgate i took little notice of the prove faithless. Chinghiz Khân was much blow, but when Chinghiz Khân saw the blood pleased at this changed his name to Sechin, flowing, he asked him how he could allow him- and treated him thenceforward as his friend.** self to be thus ill-used. He replied that he was This Sechin is apparently the Sacha Biki not much hurt, and that it was not worth while of the above accounts. that they should discuss such a trifling matter. | We now reach a notable event in the life of (In the biography of Belgatei in the Yuan-shi Chinghiz Khân. The emperor of the Kin it is said that he was seriously wounded.) He dynasty who ruled over Northern China sent persuaded Chinghiz not to punish the offender, his Ching-sang or minister Wanian Siang to but the latter, not listening to him, took out a repress a revolt among the Tartars (i.e. the wooden pestlo with which mare's milk was beaten Tartars properly so called, who lived near lake and fell upon the Jurkis (i.e. the people of Boyar). The chief of the Tartars was called Sacha-biki) and overcame them. He also seized Megujin Sealta." The Huang-yuan calls him Kholichin and Khuurchin. Afterwards the Jurkis Megjin Saolat (op. cit., p. 157). Hyacinthe went to sue for peace, and the two ladies were gives it as Mogazin Sorita," De Mailla as restored to them. The Huang-yuin says Bel. Mekuchin sekul, and Rashidu'd-dîn as Majin gutei was the superintendent of Chinghiz Khan's Saltu. According to the Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi the horses, and Boli (i e. Bori) similarly had charge Tartars had refused to submit in the same way of Sacha Biki's. According to this authority in which the Mongols had already submitted. it was the followers of each who came to blows Palladius says that the war measures adopted with the pestles used in making kumis, and by the Kin and the building of another wall or Belgatei's party being successful took the two rampart beyond the Great Wall at the end of
P. 268.
* Op. cit., tom. IX, pp. 14 and 15. - Berezine, vol. II, p. 101; Erdmann, Temudschin, Op. cit., p. 65.
" Op. cit., p. 157. # Douglas, pp. 14 and 15.
I p. 266.
0 Op. cit., pp. 15 and 16. 1 Berezine, vol. II, p. 102; Erdmann, Temudschin, 01 Op. cit., tom. IX, p. 16. Yuan-ch'ao-pi-shi, p. 66. * Op. cit., p. 18.
es Op. cit., tom. IX, p. 17.