JUNE, 1881.)
['] pida chiriya pesar-ivan=arimi" (1*] [°] Svasti Sri-Sarvasidhi-âchâri sakala-gan-Araya (') anôka-rapa(sc. para)-vasta-Pitamahan sakala-nishkala-su[*] kshm-&tibhâshitan va(vâ)stu-prâsâda-yan-âsana-sa(sa)ya
11] na-manimakuta-ratnachủ dâmani te[m]kaņa di["'] sey& sutradhâri [:)] Translation.
simile, from the estampage taken by myself, is Hail ! Let it be known that these are the published herewith. The only emblem at the names of the Achárya who averted the ex- top of the stone is a figure of Nandi, couchant communication of the skilful people of this to the proper left; this is the earliest stonedistrict, after that they had given the múme- tablet known to me that has this emblem on perjerepu to the Sútradhari who made this it. And it is, in fact, the earliest stone-tablet temple of Lêkêávara of Loka ma ha de vi, but one, known to me, that has any emblem at (the queen) of Vikramaditya, the worship- all; the exception is the stone-tablet of the .ful one, who three times conquered Kañchi :- Western Chalukya king Vinayaditya and the
(L. 8.)-Hail! :-Sri-Sarvasiddhi-ácharya ; Sendraka king Pogilli, which has at the top an the asylum of all virtuous qualities; the Pita- elephant, standing to the proper left. 16 maha" of many cities and houses; he whose The inscription is in the Old-Canarese lanconversation is entirely perfect and refined; he Iguage, and is of the time of the Western who has for a jewelled diadem and crest-jewel Chalukya king Vijayaditya and his the houses and palaces and vehicles and seats son Vikramaditya II.; it is therefore not and couches that he has constructed); the later than Saka 655 (A.D. 733-4), and is of a (most eminent) Sútradhdrt of the southern somewhat earlier date than the preceding two. country.
It records the grant of apparently & stone No. CI.
throne or pedestal and of a bracelet or bangle In an open cell in the back or western wall to the idol of the temple of the god Lôkaof the courtyard of the same temple, I have pâlêsvara, which had been built by Anantaguna. had placed, for safety, a rather roughly-shaped If any traces of this temple now remain, they red-sandstone tablet that was found in the fields cannot be identified. Lôkapâ lêśvara is probably about half a mile away to the west of the the same god as Lékêśvara, ander & slightly village. The tablet is 4 10' high, of which the different name. They are both names or writing covers 2' 9', by 1' 8' broad. A fac forms of Siva.
Transcription. ['] Svasti Śri-Vijayaditya
Vikramaditya l'j śrsprithu(thi)vivallabha
maharaj-adhiraja [°] paramésvara b batårarê kotta datti A[na][*] ntagunará dêgulakke kottada
datti [] Añjanachârya-bhagavantara [°] namân-Dévacharya-bhagavantargge
kottu ['] Sri-Lökapáldávarakam=pare balli [1] [Sva]['] datta(tta) [] para-datta (ttâhî vê y8 harêti(ta) vasundha[râmn] [°] shashtir varisha(sc. varsha)-sahasråņi vi(shta][19] yên ấyatô krimi[ho] [/l*] [ Charmmakko a[hitara][*] bevvon Våra[ņâ]siya
sâsi[r]vva[ro]-pårvva[rura) [""] sâsir& kavileyu k onda ' lokakke 88[*]n[do]n-akkum [1] I dharmmakke ahitam-bevvon-pañcha(ma)[] hâpâtakan-akkum llo
1This letter mi, is on the countersunk surface of the pilaster, not on the shaped part of it that stands out in relief and contains the body of the inscription.
15 Balligavarte.
Brahma; i... " the creator, the maker." 15 P., 8., and 0-C., Inscriptions, No. 58 16 Id., No. 152.