Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 10
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 101
________________ MARCH, 1881.] ON THE JAINENDRA-VYAKARANA. 79 %3D viraa Guru too, and saluted by Indra, the child | mar to the Jinendra Mahavira, and that for returned home with his parents. this reason they term it the Jainendram. We In Somayasundarasúri's commentary on the must look for an ordinary human author of the Kalpasútra the Sanskrit text of the main part of work, and we shall, I trust, have little difficulty this legend is as follows: अथ भगवतो लेखशालाकरणं | in discovering him. कभ्यते । तस्य विस्तारस्त्वयम् । .......... उपाध्यायशालाद्वार I have shown that the Jainendram, to distinभगवानानीतः । ...... अनान्तर इन्द्रस्यासनं चलाचलं guish it from other grammars, is called the जातम् | ... तत इन्द्र...भागत्य प्रभोः परः प्राह | अहो Anekusesham vyákaranam, the grammar in which अहो मात्रादीनां मोहः । भगवन्ती हि विनाप्यध्ययन विद्वांसो there are no rules on Ekasesha, and I may now state that the author of that grammar भवन्ति । ...... पर भवन्त मातापिनोमनोरथाः पूर्णाः । तत can be no other than Devanandin, a grammarian इन्द्रो वृद्ध ब्राह्मणरूपं कृत्वा भगवन्त मुच्चयोग्यासन उपवेश्यो who is mentioned in the Ganaratnamahodadhi पाध्यायमनोगतान्संदेहान्भगवन्तं पृच्छति स्म | भगवाथ तेषामु and elsewhere. My proofs are these : तराणि दत्तवान् | उपाध्यायश्च भगवता कथ्यमानान्युत्तराणि 1. For the rule Ta of the Jainendram शृण्वन्नेवमचिन्तयत् | अहो एते व्याकरणसंदेहा मम बाल्यावस्थात ( = P. IV, 3, 115) the commentator Abhayananआरभ्याभूवन्परं न केनापि पण्डितेन भग्ना अनेन बालेनापि | din gives the illustration दैवनन्दिनमनेकशेषं व्याकरणम् भग्नाः | अहो एतस्य बालस्य ज्ञानम् । इल्याश्चर्ये क्रियमाण इन्द्र | - the Anekasesha grammar composed by Devaउपाध्यायपण्डितं प्राह | भो एनं बालमा मा जानीहि | भयं namdin.” त्रिभुवनस्वामी ज्ञानत्रयसहितः सर्वज्ञपायी महावीरदेवः । इन्द्रेण 2. On the rule उपज्ञोपक्रमं तदाद्यको ( = P. II, 4, दशधा सूत्राणि पृष्टानि संज्ञासूत्रं परिभाषासूत्र विधिसूत्र नियम 21) both Abhayanandin and Somadeva quote the सूर्य प्रतिषेधसूत्रमधिकारसूत्रमतिदेशसूत्रमनुवादसूत्रं विभाषा instance देवोपज्ञमनेकशेषव्याकरणम् 'the Anekadesha मूर्व निपातनसूत्रम् | भगवता चैतेषां दशाना व्याकरणमू- grammar first propounded by Deva (i.e. Devaत्राणां प्रत्युत्तराणि दत्तानि । तदा तत्र स्थाने जैनेन्द्रव्याकरणं nandin.) 3. On a rule which corresponds to P. I, 1, जानम् । तत उपाध्यायविप्रेणापि भगवान्महावीरदेवो गुरुः कृतः। 69 and 70, and which in the shorter recension ननो विप्रस्य बहुदानादिना संतोषं कृत्वा भगवस्तियैव विच्छित्त्या is worded 'अणदित्स्वस्यात्मनाभाब्योऽतपर:' and in the गृहे गतः । इन्द्रोऽपि भगवन्तं प्रणम्य स्वस्थानं गतः || longer recension 'स्वस्याभाव्योऽत्परोऽणुदित् , the In another commentary on the Kalpasůtra, commentator Somadeva quotes the following entitled Kalpadrumakalika, and composed by verse : Lakshmivallabha, we are told that the rules of आदेशः प्रत्ययश्चैव कटमेतो हि लक्ष्मणि | grammar were propounded by Mahavira, and furnished with a gloss and illustrations by Indra. भाव्यशब्देन पञ्चैते कभ्यन्ते देवनन्दिभिः ।। नदा दशाङ्गं व्याकरणं कृतम् | जिनेन सूत्राणि प्रतिमादिता- By the word 14 in this rule Devanandin नीन्द्रेण वृत्तिरुदाहरणानि दर्शितानि | तल्लोके जैनेन्द्र व्याकरण denotes the following five, viz. a substitute, an जातम् ।। affix, that which has , that which has t, and Again, in the UpadesamAla-karnika, by Uda that which .has म् for its Anubandha.' (See yaprabhadevasári, Vardhamana Mahavira, the Mahâbhâshya, vol. I, page 177.) Jinendra, is made to reveal the science of words' 4. The MS. of the Panchavastuka ends with to Indra, and the Guru is reported to have pub the remark that this is the work of the Acharya lished those revelations under the title of Aindra Devanandin. But as the explanatory part of the Panchavastuka is in the body of the MS. grainmar. stated to belong to Srutalirti, I take the truth उपोपाध्यायमानीते पिनाथ त्रिजगद्गुरी । of that remark to be that Devanandin was the हरेः पीठमनौचित्याचरणेनैव कम्पितम् ।। author of the rules rearranged and commented मत्वावधेस्तमवधि गत्वा नत्वा च जिष्णुना । on in the Panchavastuka. पृष्टो अध्यास्य गुरोः पीठं शब्दविद्या जगी प्रभुः॥ 5. Finally, I believe that the author of the Jainendram hituself has suggested to us his इन्द्रायेदं जिनेन्द्रेणोपदिष्टमिति विष्टपे । name in the very first lines of his work, which ऐन्द्राख्यं तदुपाध्यायो ख्यापयच्छन्दशासनम् ।। have been quoted already, and which run thus: These quotations, to which I might add others, लक्ष्मीरात्यन्तिको यस्य निरवद्यावभासते । will suffice to prove that the Jainas themselves generally ascribe the composition of their gram देवनन्दितपूजेशे नमस्तस्मै स्वयंभुषे॥


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