Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 24
________________ ADULTERY-AÊSHM 324-6, 331 sq. ; 25, 150, 442, 233, 235; 25, 197, 315, 318-21; 33, 484 ; 37, 112, 205 ; heinousness 179, 183; 35, 223; 45, 274; punishof a., and atonement for it, 18, ments for a. with a Guru's wife, 14, 227-232; a priest who has illicit 201, 383; witnesses in cases of a., intercourse with another man's 25, 267; where a man and the wife wife is a highwayman or a thief, of another man seize one another 4, 309; bad reputation, an un- by the hair, the man is an adulterer, comfortable bed, punishment, and without witnesses being required, hell, are the four things gained 33, 85; persons addicted to a., by him who covets his neighbour's inadmissible witnesses, 33, 303 ; wife, 10 (i), 74 sq.; let the wise causes loss of caste, 2, 74; a cause man avoid an unchaste life as a of divorce, 33, 183; the adulterer burning heap of coals; not being able one of the seven kinds of assassins, to live a life of chastity, let him not 7, 41; he who abducts another transgress with another man's wife, man's wife may be slain as an 10 (ii), 65; be an abstainer from assassin, 14, 19; penance for the the wives of others, 24, 12; minor offence of killing adulterous penances for a., 2, 286; 7, 174 women, 25, 458; women immured sq. ; 14, U-13, 232, 235 ; 25, for a., 6, 74, 74 n.; women not to be 465, 467, 467 n.; punishments for driven away unless they have coma. in future life, 44, 332, 497 ; the mitted manifest a., 9, 288; son of mortal sin of violating a Guru's bed, an adulterer excluded from inherit(,133 sq.; 8, 389; 14, 5, 235 ; 29, ance, 25, 356. See also Incest, Sexual 303, 441 sq.; penances for a. with intercourse, and Woman (g, b). wife of a Guru, 2, 81 sq., 88 sq., Advaita, t.t., non-duality or monism, 276 sq., 284 sq., 290 ; 14, 104, 127, taught both by Sankara and Râmâ213, 235; 25, 451 sq.; punish- nura. 34. xxx. cxxy. ments for a. with a Guru's wife in Aêkha, the contagion of, destroyed future life, 25, 440, 496; an adul- by Aryan glory, 23, 284 sq. terous wife's guilt falls on the Aểshm, Aêshma, demon of Wrath, negligent husband, 14, 10; 25, 5, 193, 193 n., 201 sq., 205, 205 n., 309; imprecations used by a husband 215, 217, 220, 223 sq., 227 sq., 366, against an adulterer, 15, 218; 29, 366 n.; 18, 93, 96, 113; 21, 17 sq., 289; allusion to a. in the prayer 17 n., 61; 47, 72, 72 n.; the • Wherein my mother has done impersonation of invasion and raamiss,' &c., 30, 227 ; the wife has pine, 31, xix, xxi n.; of the to confess any adulterous inter murderous spear, 4, 126, 140 sq., course at the Varunapraghasa sacri 224; 23, 33; 31, 280; powers of fice, 12, 396 sq., 397 n.; food A., 5, 107-9, 107 sq. n.; the seven given by the paramour of a married evil-instructed ones of A., 47, 8; woman, or by a husband who allows complains to Aharman of the three a paramour to his wife, not to be things he could not injure in the eaten, 14, 69 sq. ; 25, 163 ; world, 5, 387-9, 387 n.; assists the adulterers, husbands who allow a. Evil Spirit, 23, 297 ; opposes the in their houses, the son of an departed soul 21 departed soul, 21, 17 sq., 17 n.; adulteress, and he who eats food Sraosha created by Ahura to withgiven by persons born through a., stand A., 23, 164; attacked and excluded from Srâddha, 2, 145, 257; smitten by Srôsh (Sraosha), 5, 128, 25, 104 sq., 108; first committed by 128 n.; 24, 33; 31, 300; spells Vadak, mother of Dahâk, 18, 217. against A., 4, 126, 140 sq., 140 n., (6) IN CIVIL LAW. 145-7; 31, 280 (Ahuna-vairya); A. defined, 25, 316; the cause of Mithra invoked against A., 23, 143; confusion of castes, 25, 315, 407; flees from Mithra, 23, 144, 154 ; law about a., 2, 164-7; 25, 253, siniting of A. by propitiation of 315-21; 33, 177-9, 365-7; punish- Spendarmad, 18, 437; Fravashi of ments for a., 2, 288 sq.; 7, 29; 14, Fradhâkhsti invoked against A., 23, Digitized by Microsoft ®


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