Sâman addressed to them, 1, 37; The seven or eight sons of Aditi, invited to the sacrifice, 12, 93; 32, 242-5, 251-4; twelve A., 46, 281; invoked at the reception the twelve months of the year, of guests, 29, 198; invoked at the 15, 140 sq.; 44, 116; twelve A. Ashtakâ, 29, 207; invoked for procreated, 41, 149 sq.; fashioned the tection, 29, 344; 42, 161; invoked sky, 41, 234 ; their names, 32, 245, at the house-building rite, 29. 347; 25; sq. ; with Varuna at their head, invoked at the Vâgapeya, 41, 38; 1, 42, 26, 93; 41, 280; 42, 12; 44, invoked to expiate imperfections in 365; Amsa, Bhaga, and Aryaman are the sacrifice, 42, 164; invoked three A., 41, 82 sq., 83 n., gods of against fever, 42, 443; invoked in light, 42, 116; rise in the west, 15, an Aprî hymn, 46, 179, 198; in339; the lords of the western re- roked to bless the sacrifice, 46, 253; gion, 43. 101; who dwell in heaven, the Yagus belong to the A., 26, who dwell in the world, 1, 37; 383, 383 n.; share of the A., at the help in battle, 42, 119; called pûta- laying of the altar-bricks, 43, 68; daksha, 42, 444; are the manes of deities and metres, 43, 53; 'if thou great-grandfathers, 25, 127; prac- belongest to the A., I buy thee for tised penance, 25, 475; the A. and the A.,' 30, 53; worshipped at the Angiras sacrificing, 26, 113 sq.; Vaisvadeva sacrifice, 29, 85; worwhere they wish to lay the Gârha- shipped at the Tarpana, 30, 243; patya, 43, 118; the honey-lash (of offering to the A., 26, 12 sq. ; 41, the Asvins), mother of the A., 42, 248 sq.; Soma libations to the A., 230; the Kushtha plant, thrice be- 26, 241, 316 n.; the evening libagotten by the A., 42, 6; are non- tion belongs to the A., 1, 36 sq., eternal beings, because produced, 51; 26, 350-6; arise by the per34, 202, 216; are the All, 41, 126. formance of the third Soma press(6) THE A. AND OTHER DEITIES. ing, 44, 173, 480 11.; animal sacrifice
Aditi, the sister of the A., 29, for the A., 41, 126; the sacrificial 275; 30, 174; Sun and Moon, the horse to go the way of the A., 44,288. A., 42, 57; Indra invoked to com- Adityasambhava, 1. of a Tathabine with the A., Vasus, &c., 12, gata, 49 (ii), 1oo. 264; Maruts and A., 32, 412 sq. ; Adoption, the adopted son, defini43, 68; the A. make Soma swell, tion, 14, 227; law about a., 14, 74 30, 179: Gâtavedas Aditya, 42, sq., 87; 18, 184-94, 196; 24, 71, 71 127; Agni is to bring the A. to the n. 316; 25, 355, 355 n., 359, 361 sq. sacrifice, 46, 108; the A. have made and n.; 37, 113; adopted sons not to Agni their mouth, or their tongue, be looked upon as real sons, 9, 139, 46, 188; Visvakarinan invoked with 139 n., 144, 144 n.; duty of prothe A., 26, 123 sq.; and Angiras viding an adopted son for a childworshipped, 42, 191; and Angiras less man, 24, 279-81 ; ceremony contending for getting first to hea of a., 14, xlv, 76, 334-6; of illeven, 44, 152; Vasus and Aigiras, gitimate children, 4, 273 ; a good 42,89; and Vasus invoked for well- work, 24, 74; sin of declining a., being, 42, 55; the A. are united 37, 147. See Children (sale and gift with the Vasus, 42, 135; and Vasus, of, subsidiary sons), and Woman (b). qualified for meditation on divini- Adrishta, t.t., see Unseen Principle. ties, 48, 335-7; Vasus, Rudras, Adultery. and A., three classes of gods, 12, 135, (a) In religion. 239; 26, 350, 411; 41, 241, 246, 264; (b) In civil law. 42, 161; 43, 33, 75; 44, 173, 291 1., (a) IN RELIGION. 313, 443, 479 sq.; 46, 42; seen One of the five principal sins, within Krishna, 8, 92; alarmned at the 10 (i), 61; a crime in the fourth greatness of Krishna, 8, 94; Krishna degree, 7, 136; the sin of a., is Vishnu among the A., 8, 88, 88 11. 10 (ii), 19, 21, 40; 24, 305 sq.,
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