Book Title: Gahakoso Part 2
Author(s): Madhav Vasudev Patvardhan, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology
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255) Tetor = whatever is within your easy reach. = whence ?, how? toi= salt. See
H. 1, 171. TIHTI = food cooked (or prepared ) in a village. For the root = to cook, see rau, st. 12. Ato = sau = salted ( food or dish ). AF = FT = oil or ghee. The idea is that salted preparations of food unless they are cooked or fried in oil (or ghee ) are not delicious or satisfying. But salt is difficult to get, especially in inland villages situated far away from the sea-shore. But even if salt is used in food preparations, they do not become tasty unless they are cooked in oil or ghee. The stanza suggests that ordinarily, dazzlingly beautiful women are difficult to come across in villages. But even if such a woman is found in a village (or even in a city ), she is no good if she does not have genuine, sincere love in her heart for the man who chooses her to become his life-long companion. There is pun on the words to [ (1) salt, (2) dazzling beauty (1907)], a [(1) cooked or prepared in a village,
(2) brought up in a village ] and A? [(1) oil or ghee, (2) genuine affection. ]. 256) Efegut = a woman who comes to inquire about the health of a sick person. See st.
52, 53. a faqau = fragrant breath. futafay = cooled [p.p.p. from the caus. root faqa = faafqz = to make cool, the primary root being fat = faraf = to become cool. Cf. Marathi निवविणे ]. पयइकड्यं = naturally bitter. ओसह = औषध = decoction. a farers = fafaozfant safetya = is not left over.fqug = drinks at a stretch 'or at
once. See st. 248, where fafgy means 'vanished. 257) arotaur = a thicket of reeds. af afg=here and there, in various places, 99T =
af r = par = who has missed (i. e. failed to fulfil ) the tryst with you. fahre=searches for you, tries to have (your sight). HEUTETTITUT 2 =like the forgotten place ( location ) of a buried treasure. q.99 = slipped from memory, forgotten. Cf. st.
134, 201 and 327. 258) = Vajjā 35. fafcu = unpleasant, harsh or offensive words. fet = darkened,
clouded, agitated. a&ta = violent anger. Hafa = shower, distil. 259) Bahifuaft = insulted. 7 fa = fa= not in the least. See st. 320. fazt ==wealth, power,
authority. Fifoviat (pres. pass. part.) = being honoured ( by others ). #T3 = sfataa (inf. from the root afa + . See H. 4, 214 ) = to return the goodness shown to him (in honouring him).
260) gat = in the course of a quarrel. Te gang = aged, become old, obliterated.
FUTET = heard or learnt by a good ( noble-minded ) person. TETES =secrets. 37349T - at the end of his life, on his death. GEJ = burns down. See H. 1, 217.
261) Turizat = jasmine creeper in the front yard of the house. set = 90% - cluster or
bunch of leaves and flowers; creeper (B). T T = hurdle or obstruction blocking the entrance of the house. TIATH = 17TH = comfort, solace, consolation. To =
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