Book Title: Gahakoso Part 2
Author(s): Madhav Vasudev Patvardhan, Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: B L Institute of Indology

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Page 210
________________ (181) deposit) मा साहसं करिजासु love with this man). For f 355) ga, see note on st. 182. fq this will prove to be a bad investment (or do not commit the rash (thoughtless) act (of falling in (imper. 2nd pers. sing.) see H. 3, 177. ge forfer deposited here (i. e., surrendered to this man ). For the duplication of a iner see H. 2, 99. वणे afar Oh my friend! पुणो न लति are not recovered, are lost for ever. A bad investment is one in which the thing deposited is never recovered. = = 356) For st. 356, 357 see p. 159 of the text. firererea (B.C.) who has already reached the climactic point in sexual intercourse. 4g young, newly married girl. azafataf the stage of the termination of sexual intercourse. afazafguur (B.C.) = whose heart (i. e. carnal desire) is not yet satisfied. Cf. st. 346, 435. · 357) वेसविलथा = वेशवनिता = वेश्या a prostitute, harlot. ag may (their hearts ) be happy (in the company of their patrons ). सुरयस रहसत व्हावहराई removing (or quenching) the thirst (of all their patrons) for carnal enjoyment, बहुमग्गविणिम्मविवाइँ विणिम्म वियबहुमगाई (B. C) give rise to) many amorous acts (such as kissing, embracing, biting, fa forenfa is a caus. p. p. p. used in a non-causal sense (faforfen). 358) (B. C.) Oh you who have never experienced the agony of jealous anger (caused by any lapse or misconduct on my part)! angefe = चञ्चलचित्त (B. C. ) fickle-minded. याचल can be equated with चाचल = चञ्चल or with आचल [ fickle all round (an)]. But in both cases, the change of ar to ar or of ar to ar is irregular, as an initial is never changed to nor dropped in Prakrit, nor is far allowed in the case of an initial residual vowel or an original vowel. See H. 1, 176, 177 and 180. Cf. note on न याणिमो st. 267. ता पुच्छिस्सं I shall then ( ता ततः) ask you a similar question (namely, why you have become emaciated). = = Jain Education International 359) [अवहत्थिऊण ( gerund ) having disregarded or ignored. For the denom. root g see st. 304. afgifq= the warnings (or advice) of my female friends. Groj aç¶ येषां कारणेन = for the sake of which (pleasures). रमिओ सि = you were enjoyed by me (i. e., I had sexual relations with you). fgte-because of which (pleasures) there is now danger to my life itself (as you have now become indifferent to me). संस = danger, peril. = 360) ईसालुओ jealous. The possessive suffix are and the pleonastic suffix a() have been added here to the word (f) ascording to H. 2, 159 and 2, 164. Cf. सद्धालुअ st. 687, fr : न देइ = uf (acc. of time) during the night. a does not allow (his wife). उच्चेउं = Oh mother ! अइउज्जयसहावो = (inf.) to gather, to pluck. a = = सरहससु रयतव्हा वहराइँ violent (impetuous) which create (i. e. scratching, etc. ). For Private & Personal Use Only = = by himself. g (voc. sing. ) extremely simple-natured, i. c. foolish. The husband.


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