21. ---uv- [da]gva(gdha)m-amitan sainyam nihaty=Amuna | vaba)ddharh martri-kalatra-sArtham-anu tan-matur-ggira moohitam yena v(b)růta sa idrisaḥ kshiti.
patir - dfishtaḥ kshitau va srutaḥ 22. [122"] --- [na]k [68]l-Amdhra-Khimidl-Vai[raga]ram Lamjika Blandras - Talahari Dandakapuram Namdavalt Kukkuta) | yasy = aish&m hi
mahipa-mandala-bhfito maitréņa kechin - mudd kbehi38. -UU-v- vuu kány-anvav(b)da-k[li]ptar daduh || 23 | Yatra pratâpini chchhat[tram-dkam-eva si(fi)ro-dhritam | chitram kurvvaj - jane saityam kuryat -
tapar hfidi dvisham | 24 | Udarata-sau(sau)rya-gabhirim84. Vou-v--uvo 'sya varttate | bhuv-ty-abhashi pratatam samuch. chritair-yalah-su-bubhraiḥ surasadma-sadbhujaih | 25 | Kim Kamo-yam-asáv-asé(88)
(sham-a]tanus - Tryaksh-Akshi-dpishto na yaḥ kir Vaikunta (tha). 28. -u-uuu---u--sriya saraḥ sau (sau)ryata imdur- imdita-ruch Bridaḥ kim-arthi-priya éyam masrahayat ?]4 janồna viditó J&jalladévas-chirat || 26 |
Sri-J&jallapuram 26. v-uvy --- -- --- [divas-chap] tapass-mathaḥ s-dy AnamAtyrath vanam talyam svah-la (88)rasaḥ saro-piruchiram yat-kåritam mata
Jajallena tad - astu kirtti-ruchira[m] 87. --v--v [ll 37 1] ....... [pa-Digna P18-adi-pramåņa-vit 1 (sv-a]nya-siddbånta-vioh-ch-Asya sriman Rudrasivo guruḥ | 28 | Sandhivigrahiko-py
asya Vigra[ha]rája ity - abhat 28................. [129] | Dadau dévaya Jajallah Birullgråmam-utta]mam | mathaya patalA-sArtham s&(64) sana[m] &&(44)sva (sva)[ta]m
npipaḥ | 80 | Arjunakoņasara[na]m sa de29. .....................ve | 81 | 8M[ma]-r vuv-ruu guru-prasparddhi-mantr-agrantḥ kayastho 'sama-s&()stra-såra-[suma]tiḥ
frim[n - sa Saud-Anvayê] | 6rt80.--uv-v-uv ---u--vo---Vu - prasa (sa) stim-a]samam JAja[lladá]vé vyadhat | 89" || Ohakré prasa (sa) stiskt - tasya-rbh@60 vimalân - gunan
uttamam hala[di]81. ..........(1881)............dharo vu(bu). dhaḥ prasa (fa)atim prapta-[svaryva ]sam vasts . . [nu]jo - likhat | 84 | (8a]mvat 866 Marga su di 9 Ravau | (Jaja(P)*-6P]
Om !
(Verse 1.)-May that Ida grant prosperity 1-he on whose head ...... is it the crescent portion [of the moon), abiding by the shore of the celestial river, the waters of which are augmented by the flood of the nectar fluid ......Por is it, oh, a carp,..... thus gone to heaven .......1
(V. 8.)-This highest light dispelling darkness, having the lustre of the eye of the three worlds, which men call the mine of nectar,'..., not the last, whence there is) • Metro, Bardalavikuidita, and of the next vorm.
Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb), and of the next three morsee. • Metro, Sloka (Anubtabh).
Metro, Sardalavikridite. Metro, Varhaatha
* Metro, Sloka (Anubtabh); and of the next vero. • Metro, Sardalavikridita; and of the next morso. * Originally jd, corrected to ja (t). # Rond dmran