20. 1. कोडियाली यानी ठानियाती]
2. [कुलात वीटहातो संभोगातो]
C. [] धनिये से
D. दानं भगवतो सन्ति]
- [प्र ]तिमा
4. 5. नाम
————- -- तन
B. 4. 1 [न] मी परततानं सर्वसोत[मान]"
Success ! In the year 19, in the fourth (month of) the rainy season, on the tenth day,on that (date specified as ) above, the pupil of the preacher, the venerable Baladina (Baladatta) (is) the preacher, the venerable Matridinn (Matridatta) at his request (was dedicated) an image of divine Santi"..., the gift of Le..., first wife of Buchila (Supkila), out of the Kottiya gaya, the Thaniya kula, the Setgriha sambhoga, the Aryya-Veri (Arya-Vajri) sákhá...... Adoration to the Arhats, the highest ones in the whole world!
No. IV.56
41. [सिहं सं २०३] दि [१०] ७ [ए]स्य पूर्वाय कोरिय[]] तो गणातो ब्रह्मदासियातो कुलात [नामरितो या] खातो [य][1]तो संभोगात [वृचंतय]]]चक" च गणिन च ज[-मित्र ]
2. [] चिनचिय [च]पालस्य [च] [बाच] कस्य पर्या[दन] शिथी वाचक माया [[]" मानिकरण (मी) - जयम [] वीतु दा
[][देव]]] पत्निये
मिलाये [दानं]
B. 1. [लो ] वाणियस्य वाधर [[]] [[] खाये का [य]
The letters of the first three lines of B are much blurred and partly indistinct; but none are really doubtful except One or two letters may have been lost at the end of B 3.
5345 is separated by some ornaments from the other four lines. Five letters seem to have been lost.
4B 4 is separated from the other three lines by two rows of ornaments. Read art.
If the much disfigured second syllable is nti, as I read it doubtingly, it appears certain that the Tirthamkara mentioned must be Santinatha.
Incised on the pedestal of a large naked standing Jina, 7 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 3 inches, found at the sam place. Very badly preserved.
57 The figures are doubtful. The first may have been 50.
50. Pirat three syllables doubtful.
49 मित्र donbtful; rnatore शिव.
The first letter might be read, and only the upper part of the second sign has been preserved. But in Mr. Growne's No. 8, Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 218, we have plainly nfzwar diya.
on First lotter very doubtful; the third and fourth syllables are ponsibly बौग्ग or मिग्ग. may have been; the last two syllables of the name are doubtful. sa The second syllable is doubtful.