Now compute Asvina and Karttika according to the Arya Siddhania.
tithi. An. gh. 4500 K.Y. 20-99 428
45 11 years 1:87 820 -9 16
titbi. An. Rh. P. 4511 K. Y. 22·86 248 -5 81 4511 K. Y. 22.86 248 - 5 31 Asvina 6.80 589 +1751 Karttika 8.29714 29-86 837 + 12 20
1.15 962 --1918 +1% gh.= 0.207
-19 gh.= -32 -11 29.86 844
0.88 951 An. 844, eq. = 0.08
951, eg. = 0.28 29-94 Moon waning.
1.11 Moon waxing. The calculation proves that in Samvat 1467, Bhadrapada was intercalary according to the Súrya Siddhanta, and Ābvina according to the Arya Siddhanta. However, to decide such cases beyond doubt, the tithi should be calculated by means of the Special Tables for the Siddhanta in question. 35. On mean intercalations. It is probable that, in ancient times, besides the
system of true intercalations as described above, that of mean
intercalations was used. The difference between the systems Mean solar month.
consists in this, that in the latter mean solar and lunar months (Chait, preo. yr..
29-68) are used instead of true ones. As a mean lunar month is Vaisakha. Jysishtha.
shorter by 54 ghatikás 28 palas than a mean solar month, it Asbadha.
follows that a mean intercalation is due whenever mean newBriyana
3:37 Bhadrapada
4.29 moon occurs within 54gh. 28p. after the beginning of the A vina .
621 Karttika.
mean solar month, or, expressed in a form more convenient Margasira.
for calculation, when at the beginning of the mean solar Pausha . .
7.98 Mágba .
month the mean tithi is between 29-08 and 30.00. From Phálguna.
982 Chaitra . .
10-741 this, it follows that, when at the beginning of a mean solar (Vail. fol. yr. . 11:87)
month the mean tithi is found to be between 0.00 and 0.92,
the preceding month was intercalary. In oomputing mean intercalations we sum up the tithi and Cor. for the oentury and the odd years, from Tables I and II, and add the mean tithi current at the beginning of the mean solar month under consideration from the table here given.
Er. 1.--The Khera plate of Dharasena IV mentions an intercalary Margasira. It has been proposed by Dr. Schram" that this was a mean intercalation which occurred in 3749 K.Y. Let us calculate the mean tithi for the beginning of mean Margasira according to the above rules.
tithi. gh. p. Table 1.8700 K. Y. 19:17 + 7 5
II. 49 years 2.50 -19 29 mean Marg. 7.06
28.73 -12 24 » IV.-12 gk. -0-20
17 The calculation of mean intercalations is easier by the Special Tables, as will be seen from the example in $ 56.
Sitrung berichte der phil. hist. Class der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1685.