Page 249, note 87, for-F T. read
| Page 394, footnote , read-or Proshthya. » 250, note", for-8f read-Sri.
, 395 note", for-If this is correct, etc., read-The » 255, notes, line 4, for read
inscription apparently has to be road » , insert " at the beginning of line 5.
from below. 259, line 12, and p. 267, v. 49; see p. 353. » 396, footnote87, read-ufauifuit. 287, notel, add-This inscription is identical » » 98 for-Aydga read-Ayaga.
with Gen. Sir A. Cunningham's No. 4, 397, "for- fast read fast. from Mahaban, Arch. Sur. Rep. vol. XX, , 433, last line, for 510° read 150°. pl. .
, 437, line 7, read 20 = 17 + 3 Aug. » 292, line 15, place the figure [te] after this line,
28, 33 = 19 + 14 April. and delete the strokes in line 16, and
29, 50 April = 20th May. note Line 16 ought to contain only the . 442, last line, 5th col, of Table, read 359° 27' words- TUT IUT #Tfu.
36". » 293, lino 13, for-wra wore read-wrdre
444, Table III, below 1st col., for 26 Feb. » 294, line 31-34, for-against the King of Sindh
read 12 Feb. C. year, and for 27 Feb. L. . . . . rulers, read-against Sindhuraja,
Yr., read 13 Feb. L. Year. 1.6.-possibly the king of Sindh, but > > Table III, below 7th col., read 0 = 17, more probably Sindhurja of MAIYA.
Aug. ,, 311, line 1, read .
, 449, footnotes, and line, for-if in the left 912, 11, clans of the Brahma
&c., road--if in the right, it is subtractive. bahatriyas.
1 , 455, Table xx, in Dist. (- 0, 7th line, for 817, to footnotes, lines 2 and 3 in first column,
-84o &c., read-81° 19' 15", and 8th line prefix the reference figures and
for-82° &c., read-92° 25' 14". 398, note", forufcd roadeft
466, against Ahar. 183 in Dist, (- , read 893, line 13, for (sthaniya), read-(sthaniya).
-70° 54' 26" ; against Abar. 184, road> 994, 10, from bottom, read-inscription.
89°, &o., 185, read—95° &c., and against 394 , 33, for-inscriptions read-inscription
186 read—107° 28' 46".