No. XXXIV. L. 1. [fa] THT --- qara verife[@]"
2. for CRT wefuf fad that --
TRANSLATION. Success! Adoration to the Arhats! [Adoration to the Siddhas)! [At the request of ....) in the Varana school, Aya-Hattiya Arya-Hálíya) family, the Vajanagari (Várjanagart) branch, the Arya-Sirikiya sambhoga .....
No. XXXV. L. 1. [@] - ferme gata fetaa [@]aforma -
2. vai nepe (NT]114ct ofarufua[1] ----
TRANSLATION. By Nandighosha, the Tevaņika" (Traivarnika), son of Te..rusa(P)-Nandika, tablets of homage" were set up in the bhandira of the .....
BY E. HULTZOH, PH. D. This fragment was found lying in a tobacco field at the village of Darbi' in the Nellur district of the Madras Presidency and is now in the Madras Museum. It consists of the beginning of a Sanskrit inscription engraved on one side of a copper-plate, which measures 87 by 24 inches. The remaining plates of the grant have not been found. On the left of the inscribed side of the preserved plate is a hole for the lost ring, which must have borne the royal seal. The name of the king, who issued the grant, is lost; but the plate contains the name of bis great-grandfather, Sri-Vira-Korchavarman,' whose laudatory epithets agree literally with those attributed to the Pallava kings kandavarman I. and Skandavarman II., respectively, in two published copperplate grents. The plate ends with the first syllables of a compound with which, in the
On the base of a seated Jins, of which the head is lost, the stone measuring 8 t, by 1", found west of the second temple.
- Bestore नमी सिवान. * Possibly fast. * Restore * On the border of carved square papel, 7 10" by 9'8", found on the west of the Tria at the second temple.
One is tempted to rond wat 'in the temple. But the first consonant seems plain. * See above, p. 894
See the remarks on No. XXXIII, note 28, above. Mr. Bowell's List of Antiquities, vol. I, p. 186.
• The correot Sapskrit form of this name, Vira-Karchavarman, cours in Pallava copper-plate grant at Kadakadi near Karaikkal (Karikal), extraote from which were recently pablished at Paris by Professor Vinson. I am endeavouring to obtain a loan of the origival of this important inscription, which appear to establish the connection between the earlier and the later Pallavas.
Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 61 ; and rol. VIII, p. 168.