No. XXX. L. 1. स ४.७२ दि २. एतस्य पुर्वयं वरणे गये पेतिवमिके कुल वाचकस्य मोहनदिस्य" शिसस्य सेनस्य निवतना सवकस्य
2. yaa ya fare -- [gfefafat]" --- [gv]'ofer [] [HTC) ---
TRANSLATION. The year 47, summer (month) 2, day 20,--on that (date specified as) above, at the request of Sena, a teacher in the Varaņa (Várara) school and the Petivamika (PraitiDarmika) family, and a pupil of Ohanadi (Ohanandin), (the gift] of ......, the daughter-in-law of the lay-hearer Pusha (Pushya), the housewife of Giba . . , the mother of Pushadina (Pushyadatta).
No. XXXI. 4.1. ------llye ------
2. wrivarcera fufafar ----------- B. 1. ------------
--[9] T
No. XXXIII. L. 1. [w]A art marta offergare down
2. alter96 3. ---*afarena fufuatges renuet of- --
TRANSLATION. Adoration to the Arhat Vardhamana! A tablet of homage was set up by Sivamitra (of) the Kausika (family), [wife] of Gotiputra (Gauptiputra), a black serpent for the Pothayas and Sakas.
gir A. Cunningham's Archaologioal Survey Roports, vol. III, pl. xiv, No. 10. It is on the base of Jin (figure loat): stone 1' 10" by 9". There are other two small pieces not given here. The inscription does not mark the long vowels. Most of the e and i-strokes are only faintly visible.
17 Pomibly fufeu, Sir A. Cunningham rondo, 15 The first vowel is conjectural. 1. Only the upper part of the two letters bave been preserved, and the following vowel is conjectural. * On the base of a standing Jins, of which only the feet are left; 1' by 9' 7".
Or U. # Possibly u.
The whole gain from this fragment is another instance of the use of the curious form koute for bahane (nee ante, PAGE 379) and of two namen, that of an ascetio Arya-Sutara or Arya-Akara, and of a female dame Ariya-Ndgadalta.
After the platen had been printed off, Dr. Führer pointed ont that No. XXXII is only a depliante of No. IXB, ante, p. 387. No. XXXIII in on a flat slab with surface carving, I'7" by 8 t. excavated by Dr. Burgess in 1887.
» Restore wata.
Read शिवमिवाय. # Restore afferit.
Audga cours in the Ramdyana, I, 99, 19 (Bo. ed.), and is explained by the commentator a yajanfyadevatd, a deity to be worshipped, 1.6. an object of homage. The Petersburg Dict. I. v. explains it by 'a present obtained by a sacrifoe,' quoting the corresponding pronage of Boblogel's edition. In the Ramdyana either explanation will suit, but bere only the atymological one. Tbere may, of course, be a particular technical meaning, which for the present is not to be got at.
* Kdardla in certainly the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit kdlavydla or more correctly kdladydla, the ancient form. which is found in inscriptions and survives in Southern M88.