each animal; as a perpetual endowment ;" and dividing that into twenty-four shares, we have assigned seven shares to the temple of the) god built by the illustrious Guha. ditya, and seven shares to the (temple of the) god built by Kadambaditya, and seven shares to the temple of) bim who rides on Garuda, and one share to the temple of the) sacrificial boar built by Bhûvaka in Pșithûdaka, and one share to the temple priest of the latter, and one share to the sacred place of Přithadaka; moreover we have assigned out of the twelve shares into wbich the one dharma given for each borse by the purchasers of horses has been divided, (six] shares to the temple of) the sacrifi. oial boar built by Bhavaka in Prithadaka near the Eastern Sarasv&ti and to the temple priest of the latter two shares, and to the sacred place in famous Pșithadaka four shares. This should be agreed to] by the sellers and buyers of horses, (and) the virtuous Goshthikasho should thus manage on their own part and on behalf of others, Rooording to the rule laid down above, as long as sun and moon exist. Moreover these shares should be divided by the Goshthikaa) according to the rule) laid down above.
By G. BUALER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined odition of the Jvalamukhi Prasasti has been prepared according to three paper-impressions furnished to me by Dr. Burge39. The inscription was described by Sir A. Cunningham in bis Archeological Survey Reports, vol. V., pp. 167-168. He has fixed its age and extracted from it the best part of the historical information which it conveys. It is incised on a stone slab, measuring % 4" by 1' 6", which is preserved in the porch of the temple of Bhavani in Bhawan, a suburb of Kot Kangra.
It is written in two different alphabets, the mangala, and the first verse, which bli the first two lines and the beginning of the third, being in modern Saradå characters while the remainder is in common Devanagari. The technical execution is not good. Bome letters are imperfectly formed and the clerical mistakes, which are partly corrected, are very numerous. The latter may, however, in part be due to the carelessness of the writer of the copy from which the mason worked. As regards the preservation of the document, it must be noted that the left halves of lines 7-14 have been seriously damaged, and that further on, too, single letters have been effaced. The language is
4 When it la stated that the two dharmas are given a perpetual endowment, the meaning probably is that the rum ww to be paid at ssh of the annual borse-fairs in Prithtdakı, Trnigbataks and other places where the traders dealt. This follows from the farther exhortatione added to the vellers and buyers well as to the Goshthikas.
• Bldgaibad, me shen' which cours here and further on, as well a dharmailah, one dharma,' is bad Sanskrit chuud by the vernacular expression bldg ok.
• The slativo pritadelasthand is altogether wrong; it ought to be the dative or the genitive, as further op.
The Gorkflibee at the members of the Pack or committee entrusted with the management of the religious ondowmenta: s sluo Iudian Antiguary, vol IX, p. 171, note 88, where the modern Nepalese name of sob a committee, gufti,i., gult, is given