317 or Laghu-Dabhi, as it is still sometimes called. To tally with the geography of the place, Sandera should be placed in the south-west; but it may be that the land granted was an outlying piece considerably to the south of Laghu-Dabht and thus lying, in respect to Sandera, in a south-easterly direction. The tank alluded to is, no doubt, the large tank on the north-west corner of the village of Sunak. It is now ruined, but during the greater part of the year holds a supply of water. The banks around the south, west, and north sides now consist of mounds of old brickwork, the bricks themselves being of the very large old type. I have no doubt the tank was surrounded with stone steps at one time, but, like the great Sahasralinga talão at Pattan, the stone lining has been carried off for other purposes, leaving nought but the under brickwork."
The inscription ends with the names of the writer and of the dataka, and with the signature of the king. The writer, Kokkaka, was the son of the Kayastha Vatesvara, who seems to be identical with Vatesvara, the son of the Kayastha Kanchana, the writer of a grant of Bhima I., dated Vikrama-Samvat 1086.
It may be noted in passing that a grant of Bhimadeva, which was lately published by Mr. Fleet,' seems to belong to Bhima I., and not to Bhima II., as it was written by the same. Vatesvara, the son of the Kayastha KAñchana, and as the dataka of both grants was the moldedmdhivigralika Sri-Chapdadarman. Consequently, the date of Mr. Fleet's inscription, Samhvat 98, cannot refer to the Simha era, but is probably, as Dr. Bühler took it to be, an abbreviation for Vikrama-Samvat 1098.
As in the grants of the later Chaulukya king Bhima II., the second syllable of the particle iti, which marks the end of this grant, is written in current-hand with a flourish attached. The king's signature also shews current-hand characters, which are different from, and larger than, the letters in the body of the inscription, and is clearly intended for a facsimile copy of the actual sign-manual of Karpadeva.
१९४८ मा यदि १४ सोमे ये श्रीमद2. हिलपाटी समस्त राजाबलीविराजितमहाराजाधिराजश्रीम2. [:]] श्रीवरदेवः सम्यमानश्रीमदानंदपुरमतिवश्य4. चिंशत्यधिकग्रामशतांतःपातिनः समस्तराजपुरुषान् WIW5. बोत्तरांस्तनिवासिजनपदांच बोधयत्वन्तु वः संविदितं यथा । 6. अथ सोमचचचपथि चराचरगुरं भगवंत भवानीपतिम7. वर्च संसारासारता विचित्र पेकिमाथि च पतसंगीत8. व पिचोरानच पुयमोभिचये चुनवामे रसोवि9. कठबुरमहादेवेन कारितवाप्ये घुडाभीचामे कुटुं● - 10. रूपात वाला बजामिमां सलनामोपचितभूमि"] पा 11.१२ तिति चचतुरयभूमी शासनेनोद12. कपूर्वममाभिः प्रदत्ता 1 पजाब भूमेः पूर्व
तथा ब्राह्मचचंद्र । नेहा । लामहिषरामधेच पथिमायांरा
18. दिशि भट्टारिकाचेत्रं । 14. दचिचणां
Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 194.
Ibid., vol. XVIII, p. 108. Jhid vol. VI. p. 185 and p. 918.
Bee the facsimile, Ind. Ant., vol. II, p. 78, and the drawing, vol. VI, p. 195, note.
Bond •चीन
Bond पडली.