his name is mentioned here,' shows that he must have been a poet of great repute about the commencement of the eleventh century.
In conclusion, it may be stated that, of the villages which are said to have been granted by the queen Nohala, Pondi has by Sir A. Cunningham been identified with the village of Pondi which still exists 4 miles to the north-west of Bithari, and that, according to the same authority, Khailapâțaka most probably is now represented by Khailwara, 6 miles east-north-east of Bilhari.
TEXT.' L. 1. पों" [*] पो नमः शिवाय ।
पायाहः स समस्तमंगलनिधिः शचीजटाजूटको
य[स्मिं]मोललसद्यु(यु)मण्डलगलन्मन्दाकिनीवारिभिः । गाढग्रन्थिनिपीडितोरगपतिप्रस्मारफुलत्कणा-1
भीमव्यावृतवनमारतकृतैः खेतातपन्नायितं ॥"-[1]. अपि च ॥ अव्याहश्चन्द्रचूडस्य लोचनाचिमत: शिखा ["] मित्रमेष स्मरस्येति दग्धं विधुमिवोहता । -[2]. यं खेलाय षडाननः शिशतया कृत्वा ग्रहं मार्गति
ग्रंथो यच 2.
दुरोदरः पुरभिदो देव्या समं दीव्यतः ॥(1) केलीकोपकथास येन तनुते हेतिक्रिया पार्वती
पायाहः स जटावनैककुसुम शावः सुधादीधितिः ॥ -[3]. दिक्षु प्रेखाभियोगप्रवलितवलनाविभ्रमाकाण्डचडे
दोर्दण्डाना प्रकामप्रथिमभिरनिलैदरमुमारिताम् । किंच प्रस्फारचारीनमदवनिवशायोनि यात महत्तामव्यादव्याहतेच्छ विपुरविजयिनस्ताखवाडम्व(म्ब)र
व:"."-[4]. वन्शन" सोमसंभूती वाचं निक्षिपता मया [*] हन्त हस्तैरुपक्रान्ता मोहेन वियतो मितिः ॥ -[5]. वाचामुज्व(च)लिमापि नास्ति यदि मे तस्वीय॑मानोवते
रस्मादेव महीयसः शशभूतो वंशात्म सम्पत्स्यते [] यहा पश्य निसर्गकालिमभुवोप्याभदानच्छटाः धीरोदन्वति किन सातितस्तच्छायताविञ्चति ॥ -[6].
Notwithstanding Dr. Hall's somewhat guarded state ment to the contrary, RAjabekhara had nothing to do with the composition of this inscription.
• Sir A. Cunningham's Archæological Survey of India, vol. Ix, p. 104
From two impressions, one taken by Dr. Burgess, and the other by Mr. Fleet.
WExpressed by a symbol.
Originally qfa: °; but the sign for visarga is struck out.
- Metre, Sardálavikridita.
Metre, Bloka (Anushtabh).
Metre, Sardúlavikridita. 1 Read°रः पाउबर in ordinarily used ma masculine noun.
* Metre, Sragdhara. - Read बंशव. 1 Metre, Bloks (Anushtabh).
Read oat frafa. *Metre, Sardalarikricita