As regards the line of ministers, it suffices here to state that in the family of Gautama Akshapada, the reputed founder of the Nyaya system of philosophy, there was born Prabhasa, the prime minister of the kings Dhanga and Ganda (vv. 18-22). His son was Sivanaga, the minister of Vidyadhara (vv. 23-24); and from him sprang Mahipala, the minister of Vijayapala (vv. 25-26). Mahipala had two sons, Ananta and Yogesvara, of whom Ananta was minister under Kirtivarman and Sallakshana. varman (vv. 27-39). Ananta had two wives and several sons, of whom one, probably Gadadhara, was appointed Pratihdra by Jayavarman (v. 40), and prime minister by Prithvivarman (v. 41), a post which he continued to hold under Madanavarman (v. 42). In this account of the ministers all the names of the kings are repeated in the same order in which they are given in the earlier part of the inscription.
Of the localities mentioned in the inscription the country of Antarvedt (in verse 38) is the Doab or district between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers; and the village of Deddu (in verge 47) must have been near where the inscription has been found. Prabhâsa, mentioned by way of comparison in verse 20, is a famous place of pilgrimage on the west coast, at Veråwal Pattan in Kathiawad.
L. 1. . . . . . . .
. . ----uuuuU--u--v-o:
श्रीव[त्मा] दधदपि वपुहिव्यमव्यक्ता एव । मायाजालैयमितभुवनीऽप्येकहेतुर्विमुक्त -
---uuuuu-cu-cu-or-[1]. ----u--uuuuu
u-cucuraret[at] [w]fir [][t]714[ael Wfe ce संक्रान्ता पातु युभानतिविशदलिपिइर्शनीया पिलाम
fame h ace aff[w ] []ft: 1-[2]. uuuuuu---u--u-uuuuuu---[71]HT
T :[] 3. vu [fa]foa[a] tagai T FHT[y]fa faforca TV uret : 2-[3].
दर्पकमि]दोईण्डहिषत्खण्डनपण्डितः। Purent Share [reTTa01ac: 1-[4). तस्मादशेषनरपतिमौलिषु विश्वान्तिकान्तपदकमलः । ifaarizea: .....[at]all or -[5]. पजनि विजयपा
From an impression taken by the Editor.
Here there are, preceding the first verse, traces of about twelreakaharas. One would expect ची ममी भगवते वासुदेवाय, or some similar phrase.
Metro, MandAkránt.
It is impossible to say exactly how many akaharar are offnced at the end of this and the beginning of the next lioo.
• Metre, Sragdhart. • Metre, Malin.
7 The back of the impression shows aistinctly that this name is here गच, not मच.
• Metre, bloks (Anushtabh). • Metro, Arya